Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV

It hit me one day. That I am in love with Josh Hyland.

I remember it like yesterday. Because it was yesterday. We were at my beat friend Paige's house and Josh walks in. We are sitting in a circle on the carpet. Josh tells me that my hair looks nice today. I looked into his bright blue eyes and it hit me. I am in love with Josh.

"Uh tthankks." I stuttered. Dang it. I sounded so weird. Paige said, "JOSH! LEAVE NOW!!😡😡"

Then Paige looked at me and said, "You like Josh now don't you?"

I nod.

Anyway, I haven't spoken to him since. I really hope that he likes me too.

Josh's POV

"I llike yyour hair ttoday. " I stuttered. Oh no! I stuttered. I sound like a fool. I think that I like her...

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