Chapter 3

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Hayy guys! I am finally updating. I'm in Spanish and it's boring!😹😹 anyway, here is the chapter for my little lovelies that read this

Chapter 3

Paige's POV

I called Chloe over to my house for our famous twinnie sleepover. She agreed and I silently make a punch in the air as my plan was going off. I walked down the hall into Josh's room. His room is neater than most boys, with hockey posters hanging on the sides of the room. Making sure he isn't changing, I take a peek.

He's in there. Lets get this plan stage 2 done.

Hey Josh, I said. Wanna come and play truth or dare with us?

"Sure," Josh said.

RING! Chloe's here. I answer the door to see her in a pair of leggings and a high low aqua shirt.

Come in Chloe I say. She comes in.

What are we doing today? She says

Truth or dare, Twinnie style.
Ok. So, lets go! she says.

We go upstairs to my room where I have the rest of my plan. Josh knocks on the door and I signal him to come in. We sit in a circle on my fluffy pink rug. I go first. Chloe Truth or Dare?


I dare you to go into the closet for 10 minutes with Josh.

OOOOOHHHHHH Cliff hanger! <3<3

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