Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV

I dare you to go into the closet for 10 minutes with Josh.

Did I just hear this? Is Paige crazy? Never mind. I am so confused.

I am so nervous and don't move until I feel the electricity in Josh's hand intertwine with mine and move me along into Paige's closet. I have never been in her closet like this. I only try to pick out clothes for her and me to wear. We sit down on opposite sides of the room and I pick at my nails. I just keep on sitting there awkwardly until Josh presses his lips against mine.

Josh's POV

We sit across the room. She starts to pick at her nails and my mind starts to race. I realize how much I really love her and with a sudden burst of adrenaline, I press my lips against hers. I kiss her with passion, but this moment is not about the kiss. I am having an awakening to my feelings. Though I knew they were there, they are much deeper than before. It almost feels like love.

Time is up lovebirds! I hear Paige yell from outside her frilly closet. I don't want to pull away, but am forced to by Chloe wriggling from my arms. We walk out hand in hand after I realized my true feelings for her. I hope she feels the same.

Hey guys! I'm back from my inspirational mind tour! 😘😘
Thank you for waiting so patiently for me after the cliffhanger of last time.

Can you guys go onto my DM account @c.hloelukasia.k33 and like the video that is there? It is my performance at school😘😘

😘😘 Maddy

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