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"SO you're the new girl every ones been buzzing about huh?" Armin asked while rubbing in the hand sanitiser he was offered by me ever so kindly a few seconds prior, "yeah i guess so" I popped in a piece of strawberry flavoured gum chewing it and blowing bubbles ever so often.

"You're lucky you're in all my classes! Now at least you have a friend! Ohh talking about friends here are some of mine- EREN MIKASA!" He called after these two people who turned around at the same time both faces lighting up upon seeing Armin.

They walked over towards us their height's towering over mine to which I cursed out my mother mentally for giving me such short genes, straining my neck to look up at them i gave up when I noticed the familiar ache in it so I looked at their joined hands with curiosity instead.

"Yasmin these are my friends! Eren and Mikasa" they both bowed in greeting bowing back i offered them a wave "Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" The boy Eren replied with a kind smile the girl Mikasa just pushed up her red scarf more to cover her face which confused me as to why she was wearing a scarf in SUMMER. Turning to Armin i gave him a look with my eyes which he picked up on "On uh anyway see you in class guys! Let's go Yasmin" Armin offered me his hand which i took with relief.

I could feel that Mikasa girls stare following my every move until i was out of sight making me feel tense, I turned to Armin who was looking straight ahead of him "What's that girl's problem anyway? I don't think i did anything wrong"

Armin's laugh was heard at my comment making me irritated so I pinched his side making him shut up immediately "Ouch- Mikasa is just like that, don't think anything of it" he said reassuringly before sliding open a door revealing a few students who were chatting away and some sleeping.

Walking in I followed Armin like a lost puppy, sitting next to his chair which luckily was right at the back i examined the tidy classroom. The students who made eye contact with me all smiled kindly which made me feel welcomed and comfortable which was a good start.

"So Yasmin just a head's up our teacher is kinda-."

"Get up you lazy Brat's!" A deep and very cold voice rang through the once peaceful classroom which now felt suffocating, a short man with black hair walked in holding a cup of Tea he held it in such a peculiar way I wanted to try but i knew i would fail. Miserably.

Sleeping students shot up from their chairs and bowed in respect to their teacher who just stared them down making them cower in fear but I don't understand how they could feel threatened by such a tiny guy. I couldn't help the laugh that left my glossy lips this seemed to gain the attention of the oh so scary teacher.

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