Lost in the Fog

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Two young children, brothers, looking so alike that they might be twins. Their hair is brown and wild and eyes blue like violets. Ruddy cheeks and smiles. Everyone who looks at them has a smile come to their lips, even if they feel weighted down by life troubles. (edited)

These two seem so innocent in their age and their care for each other is obvious.

"Steve, wait." One of the twins, Hero by sound of it, since he just called the other Steve and it doesn't sound like it's a prank - though these twins often pretend to be each other just to play pranks.

The boy looks with concern to the darkening sky outside, while the other looks at him with a question.

Without explaining, Hero pulls his brother's hoody over his head. Understanding the gesture, Steve grins, not thinking much of it. He came to expect such care from his brother.

Together, the two walk off into the approaching storm while the shop keeper follows them with kind, approving eyes.

They had come in to get groceries for their aunt and uncle and their older cousin, Notch. They came to stay there since they were babes. No mother or father.


It's dark and the two are walking through the woods. It's ominous, with trees towering all around like silent, stern guardians.

"It's two hours of walking..." Steve suggests. Hero's lips flatten.

He says nothing.

"We could take a short cut." 

"No." Hero cuts off.

"Oh come on. It's just silly stories. You don't really believe that hill is haunted, right? We are not six anymore. Those stories are for babies..." Steve complains. Hero's blue eyes turn to him, his expression becoming less certain.

Seeing his words have effect, Steve rashly grins. "Are you scared?"

"I am not scared." Hero frowns.

"Then I double dare you!" Steve grins confidently.


The two are huddling very close as they make their way across the silent hill. Ruins of old, burned house reach their skeletal fingers from the fog that clings to the ground like a living, breathing thing. The air smells sweet, not with fragrance of flowers, but of something rotten and dead.

Steve's brash grin is gone. His blue eyes are wide open as he hovers behind his brother's back. Hero frowns, his face steady, but his posture just as uncertain as Steve's.

Both jump at a sound.

With relief, their eyes hold on a dirty, scrawny rat that makes its way past them. Steve grins again.

"I told you. Just scary stories." He claims with a slight shake in his voice. Hero nods and the two resume their way.

Behind them, the rat stops and looks. It's beady eyes appear to glow.


Steve screams his brother's name as he falls. Hero stops and looks back at him. His blue eyes look up to something behind Steve and open wide. Then, he takes off running to the side. Steve nearly cries. His brother has abandoned him!

Then he realizes that Hero is running sideways along the edge of the woods, drawing the things in the fog away from Steve. Then, Steve struggles to his feet and tries to run after his brother. His ankle hurts and he limps. Tears ran down his face.

"Hero!" He screams. The fog seems to be retreating away from him. And soon he is left standing in the woods, alone. Everything is quiet and empty, as if nothing had happened. His brother is gone.

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