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A one-shot for a prompt in Group o'Writers

"This is a fluff one lol. Maybe a bit overdone but Steve - he's a miner. He mines stuff. One day he runs across this child, unconscious in a cave, and of course he can't just leave him there. It's not until the boy wakes up that he discovers his glowing eyes."

Steve was busy mining not far from the entrance to a cave, as usual, when he thought he heard a dull thump. A sword appearing in his hand, he stepped in that direction to check it out.

His dark, blue eyes held on small rocky outcrop just below a ledge, where lit by faint rays breaking through the small cave-opening above, lay a human-shaped form. He could see a hand lying limp against the rocks. It was a small hand. Small rocks, bits of grass, and other debris still rained from above, where roots of trees hung down.

Catching a gasp, Steve immediately ran in that direction, his heart catching at the sight of a young child that lay sprawled against the rocks. Steve's breath let out in relief when he noticed a steady breathing and felt the child's heart beating under the palm of his hand, reached to check the child for life signs. The little guy was alive, only unconscious. It was not surprising, considering that he must have fallen at least twenty feet - Steve eyeballed the distance to the small cave opening.

He looked again at the child. It was a boy of maybe six or seven years old, with short, dark hair sticking up in unruly bangs all around his slightly pale face. His clothes - a default teal t-shirt and dark-blue trousers, similar to what Steve wore himself. Steve's eyes held on the child in a pause - something about him seemed awfully familiar. And... how did he come to be out here all alone, in the wild?

Not daring to tarry longer, in case the child was injured, Steve gently picked him up and carried him from the cave to the make-shift camp he had set up in the woods nearby - a small, roughly hewn cabin with a pen for animals.

Placing the unconscious child on the fur-covered wooden boards that served him for a bed, Steve just began to look over the child's small body for injuries and breaks, when the boy stirred. His long, dark eye-lashes blinked open.

Steve froze.

The child's eyes glowed white.

Steve unwillingly took a step back.

"Hero?" He asked with disbelief. The boy's eyes wearily closed without an answer. For a little while, Steve didn't move. Then, he hurried to his chest, hectically looking for something.

"Where is it?" He muttered. Frustrated, he sat back on his knees and cast the sleeping boy a guilty look.

"I think I left it behind... "

Steve sighed and returned to the boy's side. Gently lifting his hand, he waited and to confirm his suspicion, a silvery band of material materialized around the child's wrist, covered with intricate, faintly glowing symbols. Steve's eyes drew to his own wrist, where a similar band resided. Checking the child's bracelet again, he frowned at the darkened crystals embedded into the cloth-like material. Then, reaching his own wrist to the child's, he watched as those crystals began to light up while several of his own grew dim.

Faint flashes of light streamed from the band, sinking into the child's smooth, pale skin. A large bruise on the side of the boy's right arm immediately started to fade until it completely vanished.

A few minutes later, the boy's dark eye-lashes fluttered again and his eyes opened, this time fully. This time, Steve gently helped him to sit up. The boy curiously looked at him and then concentrated on studying the cabin, where he found himself.

"Oh, Hero, I..." Steve roughly ran his hands through his short hair, trying to figure out what to do. The child's reactions explained everything he needed to know.

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