My Name is Not Herobrine

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I wake up in the woods this time.

Pain swiftly dims to nothing as it always does, but sounds and images persist in my memory longer. Angry yells and swords ruthlessly striking me down.

With a soft groan, I squeeze my eyes tightly and hide my face in my hands as I curl tighter upon the wet grass. The chilling sensation helps the pain retreat into the blurry nothing that dwells where my memories should be.

I still don't know who I am or why everyone hunts me.

Taking my hands away from my face, I look at them, trembling.

There is no damage. No burns, no twisted joints, no torn flesh. A glance at my bare feet reveals that they are whole also, responding to me properly as I wiggle my toes with relief.

My clothes... My gaze indifferently sweeps across the ragged cyan jeans and settles on the edge of teal stained t-shirt... Same as before I was captured. They prove little protection against the chill that swiftly surrounds me and steals what little warmth there was when I spawned into existence here, in the dreary woods.

Sitting up, I look around and see only gray, leafless trees silently crowded around me.

An attempt to reach to the strange power within that I managed to call upon last time, comes to nothing. I feel it though, gathered close, an entire vast realm just beyond my reach, but it does not respond to my call. After several more attempts, I give up and get up, wrapping my thin arms around my shivering form.

At least I am alone. A thought thankfully sweeps through me. Lifting up my gaze, I study the great, bleak trees stretching their limbs to the overcast, gray sky. It's foggy and the air is filled with faint watery mist that begins to soak into my clothes, dampening them and making the world seem even colder.

Moss-overground trunks and surrounding tufts of grass appear wet.

I decide to move as my heartbeat gradually calms. I must find shelter or else I'll suffer even more if it gets colder, yet, or begins to rain. I remember enough to avoid that. Best of all would be to reach the caves, where I recall taking shelter before.

I look around and see only woods upon flat, soggy ground covered with grass and brown leaves. No sign of mountains, where finding caves would be more likely.

Sighing and keeping my arms wrapped around me for miserable warmth, I begin a trudging walk wherever my eyes lead me. Movement at least makes my body warmer...


It is already getting late and the gray sky darkens, when I finally reach the forest edge. I pause there in the bushes, staring at the tilled stretching fields. There are small, wooden houses beyond with straw roofs. Human dwellings and farms. I hesitate, waiting there with longing and fear mixed. Those houses would be warm. Perhaps I could sneak into one of the open barns that stand aside in the fields where cattle roams? That would bring me close to people, though. The cold assailing my form is almost unbearable now and I violently shiver, my hands and feet numb. Small puffs form in the air when I breathe out now.

"You there. Boy! What are you doing?" A suspicious voice sounds behind me and makes me freeze as my heart nearly jumps from my chest. I don't respond, my breath interrupted as fear sweeps through me.

I cringe as the man's footsteps crunch through the broken branches, drawing closer to me and I hear his heavy breath, it's a bit raspy as if he has a hard time breathing. He coughs a little and thickly spits to the side. Maybe he is sick?

My mind must be dulled by the monotonous walking for me to not have heard him coming close.

I tightly shut my eyes, delaying the moment I dread most of all – the reaction should he see them.

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