Therapist for the Gods

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Anna was driving home, thinking about the exam she just took. She was almost done. Almost graduated. Almost a therapist! She would be able to help people. She would tell her big sis all about it next Sunday when she would visit her grave.

"Sophie, I miss you." Anna said, tears coming to her eyes.

Weariness settled in, but it was good weariness, even though sadness as always was there. Her big sis would have been proud of her. And her roommate will doubtlessly squeal with glee and demand that they will go on a girls' night out.

Oh, I hope she remembered to feed my cats today. Anna frowned a bit, making another sharp turn as her car sped through the dark. Cassie was really forgetful. She was a good roommate, and maybe even a friend, despite being a tiny bit irresponsible and leaving their little apartment a mess that Anna always had to clean up. She...

Two figures appeared in the middle of the road. Gasping, Anna pulled the wheel sharply to the left.

A glimpse of two startled faces and then she was flying, her body thrown to and fro within the metal can of her car, barely kept from certain death by her seat-belt, as branches of trees whipped past, shattering the windows.

Trees? What trees? There were no trees where she was driving...



... "Why did you use the wide level teleport? You could have just set up feather walling. Or something. Look at this poor thing. All beat up."

Anna heard a deep, male voice complain. Slowly, the grogginess let go. And so did the stranger's hands, lowering her to a soft, grassy surface.

"Hey, I didn't have time to pick and choose. I thought it was some kind of a monster. You know. A grealg. They have shiny eyes like that. How was I supposed to know that it was just a human in one of their infernal contraptions." Another voice complained. Also male, with the petulant notes of a child.

"Its called a car, Hero." The first voice clarified. The other merely humphed and Anna could imagine the guy fold his arms across his chest in an "I don't really care to know" attitude. 

She tried to open her eyes but couldn't. Was she seriously hurt? That tumble should have done it. She couldn't feel her arms or legs... 

NOW she could feel them. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ow..." Her voice came, complaining. Sucking in her breath, her eyes popped open. Blue sky and two faces met hers. They were the two strangers who had stumbled out into the path of her car earlier. One was watching her with concern, his brown eyes warm and expression sympathetic. No hair, his head completely shaven bald. And the other guy watched with a surly expression, his lips slightly twisted in derision. A dark growth of a beard and very pale, gray eyes that seemed to nearly glow white when he humphed and turned away to look at their surroundings. 

All around them were tall trees with clinging vines bearing some sort of fragrant flowers giving off so much sweetness that it was sickening. Above, peeking through the branches, were bits of azure, cloudless sky. Wait... What?

Anna sat up and blinked in pure confusion. Meanwhile the brief ache that suddenly brought her back to life, had quieted down and vanished entirely. The bearded male with brown eyes stepped away.

"We need to get going, Notch." The gray eyed one complained.

The other shook his head. "We cannot leave her here. There are no humans at all in this world. I think this is somewhere in Algea region. Main habitation of albins. They are cannibals if I remember it correctly."

"I'm not dragging this human along. Unnecessary dead weight." The other male's scowl grew more pronounced.

"Don't worry, I'll do it." Notch reassured. 

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