Transferred: White Eyes

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Mining was fun.

Especially when finding these clear, colorless crystals, which shone with the purest light within their beautifully ordered inner structure. For some reason, Brin felt pleased looking at them.

Lifting yet another diamond that he just obtained, Brin smiled, looking at it. He was completely not bothered by the fact that he stood alone in complete darkness. His sense of the code allowed him to see around him, although the patterns around him right now translated to his mind in flat, gray outlines of models rather than the real world he was used to.

Sending the crystal into his limitless inventory, where he had already collected quite a stash, Brin turned back to the wall and cheated, searching ahead with a brief pulse, which told him exactly where the next bunch of precious crystals lay hidden beneath the surface.

Lifting his pickax, which briefly flashed with the enchantments he added to it due to his impatience and tempting ability to bend the rules, Brin aimed it at the next area of rock that lay between him and his coveted prize.

"Hey, is someone in here?"

A voice came from behind and startled him a bit. Too focused by his effort, Brin had forgotten to keep an eye on the signatures of Players roaming by. Turning around, he saw a small group of Players standing at the entrance to his cave, cautiously peeking in. They must have heard his strikes at the rock.

Next glancing at their nicknames, Brin gaped for a moment. Of all the inconvenient coincidences! A bright light flared into being on top of the female Player's ornate staff, illuminating the cave within and Brin swiftly turned away to face the wall, his mind hectically searching for a solution that would allow him to remain here and also avoid entering communication with these particular players.

The three Players looked around and startled when their eyes found Brin's figure standing still at a distance.

"...Whaaat?" One of the players drew out at the unexpected sight. Above him floated his name: Callicus3005.

Brin stood still, unwillingly holding his breath and wishing that these players would walk away.

Instead, he heard approaching footsteps and heard their quiet breathing as they stopped right behind him, considering him.

" Guest0500942694..." Callicus3005 said with amusement, reading the name displayed above Brin's head.

"Wait... Brian, is that you?" A young voice exclaimed increduously, belonging to MelissaBrightFlame.

Stifling a resigned sigh, Brin did the only thing he could think of to avoid being potentially recognized. Even younger, his similarity to Brian's avatar could not be easily dismissed.

Turning around to face Brian's online friends, Brin looked up at them with glowing, white eyes that faintly illuminated the startled expressions on their faces. Two of them even unwillingly drew back.

All three of the players boasted levels above 300 and wore robes mixed with armor, indicating their sorcerer warrior class. The one who stood out the most among them was the girl. Brightly colored long pig-tails, dressed with ribbons, and a short outfit with puffed up short skirt and somewhat revealing tight tunic adorned with symbols looked very vivid compared to the darker outfits of the two males, both of them with dark, shortly cropped hair and brown eyes, but with different skin tones. Callicus was tanned, while Gallandar seemed unhealthily pale. Ah, he held a non-human class, some sort of creature allied to the darker elements of the game, Brin curiously read in the player's hidden stats.

Brin didn't say anything, just looked at these players with a cautious expression.

"... Not Brian?" The girl asked uncertainly.

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