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Steve's day was great! Until some mysterious individuals kidnap him and take him to a temple where they proceed to carry out a strange ritual where Steve seems to be... a sacrifice? Oh, dear. Help!


In a darkened hall of what appeared to be an ancient castle stood two. Both of them wore robes, which hid their faces from view.

Their faces lifted to the pedestal, where an enormous fresco showed an etched image of the rising sun and several people standing in front of it. Their figures were obscured; features too worn out by time to be clearly distinguished. Chipped stone pieces lay beneath on the cracked, dusty stone plates.

"Only the blood of a first born or close direct heir can call to the Artifact's hidden power..." One of the cowled persons said in a thoughtful voice as if reading a passage from some manuscript.

"Sir... I think... we found him. The heir, I mean. He is no one important. Goes by the name of Steve."

"Good." The cowled figure agreed with pleased air. With a respectful bow, the other mysterious man in a robe left...


Steve closed the door of the merchant trader and grinned, pocketing several emerald credits into his pouch. With a pleased smile still on his face, he lightly stepped off toward the next stall.

Only already finished and heading out of town did he become aware of two strangers, following him. Briefly tensed up, he did his best to relax and kept walking. He even started to whistle a bit, pretending that he didn't see them.

As soon as he crossed the corner, where their view was briefly blocked by the brick wall, he took off running. Jumping into the woods, he leapt over the branches and skid upon the dry leaves as he fled. Behind him, coming around the corner, the two men startled and then leapt after him.

Half an hour later, heavily breathing, Steve stood backing away from the two, his violet eyes flicking with worry from one frowning face to the next.

"What do you want? You want my tokens? Here. Just leave me alone." Steve frowned at them and threw his token pouch to their feet. Their eyes carelessly followed it, but neither made a move to pick it up.

"We don't want your stupid tokens." One scoffed, his eyes on Steve furious for making them waste time and run after him.

"What do you want, then?" Steve raised his voice.

In answer, a potion broke at his feet, sending vapors and particles flying up. Steve's violet eyes widened at very familiar bitter taste that filled his nostrils. He just began to turn to get away when his world faded into darkness...


"Good. Just put him here for now." A voice broke through the darkness.

Steve felt his body carelessly let go. An attempt to move proved futile – his entire body felt weak and didn't respond to him, besides uselessly twitching muscles. He did manage to force open his eyes.

Drab tiles of stone floor met him, dusty and cold.

The hands that let go of him, picked him up again and resumed dragging. He could see the marks left on the dusty floor where his trousers wiped a trail. His muddy boots dragged, making a noise.

"Here." An unknown voice directed.

Steve felt his body hoisted up by his arms, leaned over what seemed to be a stone basin of some sort. A tablet with etched ruins stood right before his eyes. Two feet stepped into view. With the edge of his eyes, Steve thought that he glimpsed the edge of a sword. It gleamed in the dark, reflecting the menacing, red flicker of redstone torches. It seemed ominous.

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