Transferred: Playing God

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A lanky youth in a communal building watched this broadcast, absent-mindedly eating his cereal. And a businessman rode on a train to work, held up his hand to display a transparent screen emanating from his expensive watch device.

In a well-to-do home, a little boy with dark hair sat on the lush carpet and watched a large projection screen that turned one of the walls in his living room into a 3D view into a court proceedings case. There, poised below the isle of twelve jurors, the accused man sat and sarcastically eyed them all.

He was in his forties, with short, red, spiked up hair and a small droop on the left side of his face, which made his smirk to appear slightly uneven. Despite being looked at my millions of people, at this moment he looked content, even triumphant.

As the boy eyed this man, a small puppy tried to lick his face, jumping on his side.

"Not now, Vasik." The boy muttered with irritation and touched his wrist where a glowing virtual band showed. The image of the puppy on it went dark and the animal jumped away and ran off to play somewhere else, vanishing from view in mid-step.

The boy continued to watch the broadcast open-mouthed.

The camera zooms in closer to the accused to focus more on the expressions of his face. The man lifts up his chin as he defiantly speaks.

"Nearly all in the last group of Transfers managed to successfully complete the Process. And at least half of them received the modifications, which will now allow them to live virtually forever." The accused inventor declared and with satisfaction observed how his words caused the people in the courtroom to murmur in rising excitement. A flurry of comments began to show up on the side screen of the boy's living room, but he ignored them.

Of course, the idea that anyone could live forever in virtual reality was tempting.

"And it is all thanks to the experiments, which you have called 'unsanctioned' and for which I am now on trial. Just think of the possibilities that my research has opened to the world! Think of all the problems it can solve! Over-crowding, poverty, sickness, and the worst human condition in all its history – death. Had it not been for my experiments, it would not have been possible. Not for at least another thirty or forty years! I should be applauded as the greatest inventor of our age! Instead, I am standing accused for proving my theory that Transfer of human consciousness into a Virtual Reality is possible."

"Whether your theory is true or a fabrication yet remains to be determined by the study of your peers. You are not on trial for that. What you are standing trial for is the inhumane experiments you carried out on animals and on the thousands of artificially created sentient beings, whom you've created in your virtual labs." The prosecutor said harshly.

"According to these records, you have created over twelve thousand sentient copies of your attempted Transfers. Then, you've proceeded to forcibly modify their code and testing their resulting functions, including repeatedly subjecting them to painful injuries and death."

"I had to carry out the tests to make sure that those modifications were viable. I couldn't proceed to implementing such requested mods on my Transferred clients. That would have been unethical." The experimenter indifferently shrugged.

"And all your clients wanted to become immortal demi-gods with superhuman powers?"

"Yes. The majority of them did. That's what they paid me for – those of them who could afford to pay."

"And, those who could not pay?"

"They received just the standard Transfer option – a new, healthy body in virtual space designed to fill all their normal human needs... By the way, their environment is just an improved version of the simple gaming world all of you should already be well familiar with. Those of you who are gamers, anyway."

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