Meeting The Fam. - Part 1

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So, I'm Guessing Me And My Sisters Going To Our New Family Today. I'm Kind Of Nervous You Know. Meeting The New Family!! My Sister Camille Doesn't Trust Them Just Because The Other Family Kicked Us Out. I Was Pissed That They Did That To Us. I Was Mad Pissed, But I Think They Gone Be The Best.

You - (Watching Tv)

Payton - (Smoking Outside) Would You Stop!

You - Payton Come On In And Stop Smoking

Payton - Yn Shut The Fuck Up!

You - Man I'm Truing To Help You with Your Health If You Wanna Die Early Than Go Ahead. Just Realize I'm Trying To Help Yo Ass Out (Goes Upstairs)

Linda(The Manager) - Girls !! Your New Parents Are Here

You, Payton, And Camille - (Walks To The Door) Hi

Rick(Your New Dad) - Hi I'm Rick, But I'm Guessing You Can Call Me Dad

Tasha(Your New Mom) - Hi I'm Tasha, But Yeah You Can Call Me Mom If Your Comfortable With It.

You - I'm Yn

Payton - I'm Payton

Camille - I'm Camille

Linda - Camille Is The Oldest

Tasha - Okay. Lets Go Girls

-Car Ride-

Wow. They're Really Sweet. They Have A Nice Car. I Hope They Have Other Kids. I'm In Paradise. Thank God For This Family!!

Tasha - Here You Girls Go (Hands Y'all Your Iphone 5s

You - I-Iphone 5

Tasha - Yup They're All For YOu

Camille - Thanks

Payton - (Smiling) Thanks Mom

You - Yeah Thanks

Rick - We Hope You'll Like Your New Bro And Sis.

Payton - How Many Sister And Brothers?

Tasha - 1 Sister 1 Brother

Payton - Okay.

Rick - (Arrives At The House) We're Here

You , Payton , And Camille - Woah

Camille - This Is Big!!

You - Very

Payton - Im Loving Them Already (Smiling)

Rick - (Parks) Come On

-You And Your Sisters Get Out And Heads Into The House.-

Tasha - Shauna!! Danny!! Get Down Here

Shauna(Your New Sister) - (On The Phone) Wassup?

Danny(Your New Brother) - Yes Mom

Tasha - Your New Sisters Are Here

Shauna - (Smiling) Hi

Danny - Wassup

You - (Smiling)

Payton - Imma Go Pick My Room!! (Runs Upstairs!

Camille - Same!! (Runs Behind Her)

You - I Guess I Should Go (Laughing And Walks Upstairs)

Shauna - So Whats Your Name?

You - Yn

Shauna - Pretty!!

You - (Smiling) Thanks

Danny - Im Going In My Room (Walks Away)

Shauna - Eh (Rolls Her Eyes) Im Happy We New Sisters! (Smiling)

You - Yeah. Im Happy We Have A Nice Family!

Shauna - Yeah

You - Well Imma Go Change So

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