Just A Dream - Part 3

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Prince - Lets Go To The Studio Then (Smirks)

You - Ight Then Lets Go

~Dance Studio~

Prince - Ight You Ready?

You - Hell Yeah.

Prince - (Turns On Keep Her On The Low) Let's See How You Can Dance To Our Songs

You - Ight .. (Starts Dancing)

Yn Can Really Dance. She Did The Same Exact Moods, But With A Lil Of Some Ass Shacking. Yes I Was Looking At Her Ass. I Couldn't Help It. She Started To Get Close To Me & Grind On Me. It Was Something I Would Never Do .., But I Couldn't Help To Grind Back. Damn I'm Getting Turned On Forreal !!

You - (Grinding On Him)

Prince - (Grinding Back Holding Your Waist)

You - (Moves) P-Prince ..

Prince - Sorry

You - It's Fine .

Prince - (Looks Down) Yn I Like You


Did He Just Say He Likes Me? I Can't. I Have Feelings For Him, But ... I Have More Feelings For Prod. I Don't Know What The Hell To Do. I Can't Decide..

You - Prince I -(Gco)

Prince - (Kisses You)

You - (Kisses Back)

Prince - (Picks You Up)

You - W-Wait .

Prince - Wat ..

You - I'm With Prod

Prince - (Puts You Down)

You - Sorry

Prince - (Nods)

You - Prince

Prince - (Walks Away)

You - (Sits Down)

I Don't Even Know Why . I Feel Bad. I Just .. Ugh . It's Hard Because Camille Told Me He Hits People. I Don't Got Time For Other People To Be Worrying About Me. Knowing That Prince Likes Me Gives Me More Stress.


I Haven't Seen Yn In 2 Hours. I'm Wondering What She Was Doing. I Saw Prince Come Back. I Didn't Say Anything To Him Though. I Just Went To Go Find Yn. I Don't Know Where To Find Her So I'm Just Going To Look In The Dance Studio. I Walked In There And I Saw Yn MASTERBATING.

Prod - YN!!

You - OMFG (Runs In The Bathroom)

Prod - (Laughs) Baby If You Were Horny You Could've Called A Nigga

You - I'm Fine

Prod - Mhm (Smirks)

You - (Looks Down)

Prod - What's Wrong

You - Prince Kissed Me

Prod - He What ? (Yells)

You - Kissed Me

Prod - Are You Fucking Serious?!

You - (nods)

Prod - Come On (Picks You Up)

I Cannot Fucking Believe This. Why Tf Would He Do This To Me. I Thought We Were Bros. That's Fucked Up How They Be Doing That Shit. Like Wtf. I'm So Gonna Beat His Ass.

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