Still Wondering - Part 3

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I Wonder What My Sisters Are Doing. They Havne't ... Oh Nevermind She Texted Me. Ugh. I Know Something Went Down Cause Shauna, Camille, And Payton Texted Me All At Once.

You - (Texting Them)

Prod - (Walks In And Takes Your Phone)

You - Hey I Was Texting My Sisters

Prod - Okay?

You - (Makes A Face) Gimme

Prod - No

You - Craig Crippen

Prod - How Did You Find Out My Name?

You - A Certain Lil Birdy Told Me.

Prod - Mhm.. Ight

You - Baby Please!!

Prod - No

You - (Pulls Him To You And Kisses You)

Prod - (Kissing Back)

You - (Takes Off His Shirt)

Prod - (Sits Your Phone Down And Takes Off Your Shirt)

You - Mmm.. (Smiling) Wait

Prod - What?

Kayla - (Runs In) Pr-(Stops) Uhh

Prod - What?

Kayla - Camille She's Hurt

You - (Eyes Widen) What ?!?!

Kayla - She Got Hurt!!!

You - (Runs Out And Sees Camille Coughing)

I Ran To Camille Hoping She's Okay. My Sister. My Big Sister Is Hurt. I Started To Cry As I Ran To Her. Prod Ran Behind Me. My Eyes Watery. My Throat Dry. I Can't. I Couldn't Hold My Tears Anymore.

You - (Crying) Camille

Camille - (Opens Her Eyes)

I Couldn't. Her Eyes Turned ... RED!!! Then Payton's Eyes Also Went Red. I Stood Up Looking Terrified. Everyone Was Looking At Me For Some Reason. I Didn't Know What The Hell To Say. Was I Supposed To Say "What The Fuck Is Going On". I Ran Into Prod's House. I Couldn't Handle The Fact That Their Eyes Are Turning Red. I Shut The Door. My Mind Is Just Blank Right Now. All Im Wondering Is.... Why. What Did They Not Tell Me.



I Woke Up And Saw I Was Laying In Ray's Arms. I Was SCARED. I Screamed And Stood Up. He Woke Up. I Looked At Him Like I Was About To Have A Heart Attack.. But I Just Fainted.

You - (Falls)

Ray - Yn.. (Catches You)

You - (Eyes Closed)

Ray - (Puts You On The Bed

You - (Wakes Up)

Ray - Yn?

You - (Looks At Him)

Ray - You Okay?

You - What Do You Want?

Ray - I Want You..

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