Meeting The Fam. - Part 2

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-Your Room-

You - (Changing)

Camille - (Walks In) Wassup

You - Im Changing !

Camille - Why You Have An Attitude

You - (Sighs) No Reason

I Have An Attitude Because She's Still Gonna Suck Dick! Like I Don't Think That's Write. Our Family Is Going to Give Us Food And Other Stuff. I Think She Doesn't Need To Suck D.

Camille - Oh.. Ight

Tasha - (Walks In) Hey

You - Hey

Camille - Imma Go (Walks Out)

You - (Rolls Your Eyes And Starts Unpacking)

Tasha - So Do You Like Your New House and Room?

You - (Smiling) Yeah It's Really Beautiful

Tasha - (Sits On Your Bed) I Assigned You And Payton To The School Up The Street

You - Oh God (Stops Smiling)

Tasha - What's Wrong ?

You - I-I Get Bullied At My Last School

Tasha - Oh Trust Me Shauna Or Danny Will Be There For You. Try Not to Get In Trouble Ight?

You - (Nods And Smiles A Lil)

Tasha - (Stands Up) Okay.. Well Food Will Be Done In 20 More Minutes.

You - Okay

Tasha - (Walks Out)

Danny - (Walks In) Wassup New Sis

You - Sup

Danny - Oh So You Got That Slang?

You - Of Course

Danny - Ight I Gotchu ! 

You - (Laughing)

??? - Yo Dog Where You At

What The Hell. Whose Voice Is That. It Sounds Sexy. Time To Meet Some New People. You Know. I Should Stop Being Shy And Gain My Confidence ! Oh Yes. Imma Dress Like A Bad Girl!

Danny - In Here Bruh!

??? - (Walks In) Damn Shawty Fine!

You - I Have A Name

Danny - (Laughs) This Is Yn Prod

Prod - Oh... Well My Name Is Craig.. But I Like To Be Called Prod.

You - Cute.. (Puts Your Clothes In The Closet)

Prod - (Smiling)

Danny - Imma Leaves Y'all Alone (Leaves)

You - (Sits On Your Bed)

Prod - (Sits Next To You) What You Wanna Do?

You - Ion Know

Tasha - Foods Ready!!!

You - Are You Eating With Us ?

Prod - I Guess

You - Ight Let's Go!

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