I'm Just Tired - Part 2

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You - (Smiling)


We Got On The Airplane. Lawd I Was Excited. They're Going On Tour And We're Coming. My Heart Is Kind Of Pounding Because Prod Said He Was Going To Post A Pic Of Him And I. I'm Really Scared Cause You Know How TM Be. They're Dumb Ass Hoes. Lmfao. Nah Im Playing, Some Of Them Are Coo'. They Just Sometimes Get Annoying. && Some Just Want To Get Slapped.

Prod - You Ready?

You - (Nods)

Prod - (Takes Out His Phone && Goes To The Camera App)

You - Okay ..

Prod - Smile Baby (Smiles)

You - (Smiles)

Prod - (Takes The Pic)

You - You Need To Send That Too Me Imma Put It As My Home Screensaver .

Prod - We Look Sexy .

You - Very.

Prod - (Postes It)

Ig - Therealprodigy - Okay Y'all . I Have A Girlfriend And Her Name Is Yn . I Love Her So Much . Just Please Don't Start Nothing  . MB Is Growing Up & Y'all Don't Control Us. I Hope Y'all Understand That We Going To Have Girlfriends Whether You Like It Not. - Prod

You - Did You Do It?

Prod - Yup

You - (Sighs)

Prod - Baby Don't Be Scared Okay

You - (Nods) Okay .


I Got On The Plane .  Sitting There Fustrated About What Happened With Damien & I . We Don't Text Anymore Since Camille Told Me All About That Incident With Eric And Him. I've Been Thinking About Him For A While Now . I Just Don't Know What The Hell To Do. Maybe It's My Chance To Text Him .

Payton - (Starts Texting Damien) Damien ?

Damien - Yeah

Payton - We Need To Talk

Damien - Can I Speak First

Payton - Okay Go Ahead.

Damien - Well , I Think I Know Why Camille Pulled Me Away From You , But It's Not What U Thinks. I Would Never Hurt You Like That . I Love You . I Never Had Feelings For A Girl Like This . Baby You're  Amazing . I Was Sad The Whole Night You Were On My Mind 24-7 . But Just Do Me A Favor & Turn Around .

Payton - (Turns Around) Omg

Damien - (Smiling)

Payton - (Runs & Jumps On Him)

Damien - (Hold Her & Kisses Her)

Once I Saw Damien I Was So Happy ! My Heart Got Better . Once He Put His Lips On Mine Everything Was Just Nothing. It Was All Invisible. I Didn't See Anything , Not Even My Sisters . All I Felt Was Him Touching Me & Kissing Me .

Payton - (Kissing Back)


I Walked Into The Bathroom Looking At Myself In The Mirror. I'm Looking Pale As Shit. My Friend's That Use To Hang Out With Me Told Me I Should Use A Pregnancy Test. Just To See If I'm Pregnant. I Brought When Secretly. I Don't Want My Sisters To Be Suspicious. I Took It Our Of My Purse. I Kept Thinking. What Is Gonna Happen When Mom & Dad Are Gonna Find Out . I Don't Want Anything Bad To Happen So I May Just Keep It A Secret. I Grabbed Tne Test Out Of My Purse. I Sat There. Staring At Me. I'm Scared , But I Have To Find Out. I Took The Test Out Of The Box & Peed On It .

- 10 Minutes -

I Walked Back & Forth Nervously . My Stomach With Butterflies. My Timer Went Off And I Prayed About It. I Got Down On My Knees Got The Stick & Opened My Eyes It Was ......

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