Im Just Tired - Part 3

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I Walked Back & Forth Nervously . My Stomach With Butterflies. My Timer Went Off And I Prayed About It. I Got Down On My Knees Got The Stick & Opened My Eyes It Was ...... POSITIVE !!!! My Heart Is Pounding . I Can't Believe I'm Pregnant . I Don't Know What My Sisters Are Going To Do. I Just Have To Tell Them At The Right Time .


I Woke Up In Prod's Arms. I Don't Actually Like Being On Planes. I Told Him All Last Night. Prod Wasn't Sleep Actually. HE Was Doing Homework. Yes , We Have Homework To Do While We're On Tour, But I'm Happy I Get To See The Whole Entire World. With My Baby Too. Tehe. I Got Up & Went To The Bathroom. I Saw Camille Crying On The Floor.. .My Heart Was Racing. I Didn't Know What Was Up With Her.

You - Camille What's Wrong?!?!

Camille - (Crying) Please Don't Tell Mom Or Dad

You - I Promise.

Camille - I'm Pregnant.

You - YOUR WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!

And What In The Hell Did I Tell Her. I Told Her IF She Keeps Doing This Giving Head And Shit, She'll Become Pregnant. I Don't Like This. I Got Teary Eyed Because Of Her Crying. My Own Big Sister Is Pregnant .

Camille - I'm Sorry (Crying) I Didn't Mean It !

You - ( Hugs Her )

Camille - I Hate My Life

You - You Have To Tell Mommy & Daddy 

Camille - No !!

You - why Not ?

Camille - Because .

You - Camille You Gotta Tell Them .

Camille - What If They Kick Me Out

You - They Won't Sis, Come On ..

- Hours Later -

 I Got To My Seat. I'm So Tired. I Just Want To Go To Sleep, But Prod Is In The  Bathroom. Going All Around The World With Craig Crippen Jr. Lawdy.  I Felt A Little Rumble. I Got Scared. I Didn't Know What Was Going On. I Got Scared Looking Around & Screaming For Prod's Name. He Wasn't Responding. I Got Up & Ran To The Bathroom. I Saw Him Washing His Hands.

Prod - Baby What's Wrong?

You - The Plane It's Rumbling !!

Prod - (Holds You)

Captain - Everyone Hold On Tight We're Gonna Be Landing Roughly

You - (Holding Him Tight)

Prod - Shh..

You - (Crying)

CRASHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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