What To Do - Part 1

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Ray - I Want You...

I Was... SHOCKED. My Heart Started To Pound. I Didn't Know What To Do. I Just Froze. I Was Stuttering. His Eyes Were Getting Tear Eyed. I Didn't Want Him To Cry. Or Was He Just Faking It. I Stood Up And Walked To Him. I Touched His Soft Face And Looked In His Eyes. I Felt My Eyes Were About To Change.. I Didn't Know What Was Going On. I Couldn't Hold It. My Eyes Changed .... GREEN!!!

Ray - W-What Is Going On

You - I-I Don't Know

Ray - Its Okay.. I Just Wanted To Tell You That I Like You.. A LOT. I Know We Just Met, But Do You Wanna.. You Know

You - (Looks Down) But ... Im Dating Prod.

Ray - Oh..

You - Yeah.. I'll Umm.. I'll Text You Okay?

Ray - (Nods)

You - (Kisses Him)

Ray - (Kissing Back)

You - (Breaks The Kiss And Leaves)


I Was Walking Back And Forth Getting A Little Scared About Yn. I Just Want To Know Where She Went. I Can't Let Her Get Kidnapped. I Called Jen . I Called All The People That Saw What Happened. I'm Getting A Little Scared. I Don't Even Know What's Going To Go On. I Don't Want Her To Be Kidnapped. I Love Her.

You - (Walks In)

Prod - Yn!!

You - Yeah

Prod - (Hugs You) Where Were You

You - I Was At Ray's

Prod - (Lets You Go) What?

You - I Was At Ray's

Prod - What Did He Do?

You - (Sighs And Looks Down) He Told Me That He Wants Me To Be His

I'm Pissed. Why Does Ray Always Go To My Girl's ?! This Nigga... My Fucking God. Lord. If I Hurt Him Please Forgive Me. Just Be By My Side. Or Just Lead My Mind.

Prod - (Punches The Wall)

You - (Scared)

Prod - FUCK!!!!

You - Pr-Prod

Prod - (Hits You)

You - (Crying)

Prod - (Eyes Widen)

What In The Hell Did Ii Just Do?!?! I ... I Hit My Girlfriend. Omg. No. I'm Such A Bad Person. I Can't Let My Anger Get To Me. I Ran Out Of The House To The Hills. I Sat There And Looked At The View. I Feel So Bad. I Didn't Even Mean To Do Any Of That. Ugh. What Am I Gonna Do.

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