Meeting The Fam. - Part 4

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Prod - What's Wrong Why Did You Stop?

You - Uhh..

I Stopped Because I Felt Uncomfortable. It Didn't Feel Right. Grinding On Prod Like That. If Camille Or Payton Finds Out I Was Going That They Would Choke Me To Death. They Don't Like Seeing Their Lil Sister Grinding On Some Dude She Just Met.

Prod - Yn

You - Huh?

Prod - Why Did You Stop

You - I Was Feeling A Lil Uncomfortable

Prod - Oh. Sorry

You - No It's Not Your Fault. (Sits On The Bed)

Prod - Oh.. (Sits Next To You)

You - (Looks At Him And Looks Away)

I Think I'm Falling For Prod. He's Really Sweet. I Know I Just Met Him, But He's A Charm. He's A Great Dancer, Nice Smile, Good Abbs. Lawdy.

Prod - Yn Can I Tell You Something?

You - Yeah Sure.

Prod - Well I Like This Girl. I Just Met Her. She Can Dance. She Has A Really Beautiful Laugh. Do You Think She'll Like Me Back. ?

You - (Smiling) Yeah.. Whats Her Name?

Prod - Uhh.. Syd

Wtf. I Though He Was Talking About Me. I Guess He's Not. I Like Him, But I Guess HE Doesn't Like Me Back. This Is Like Love At First Sight, But Unspoken Love At The Same Time. Wow. My Heart Is Broken. Extra Broken!


Ugh. I Just Lied To Yn. I Didn't Want To, But You Know Im To Scared. I Love Her. Why Did I Do This. Ugh. I Should've Just Said Her Name. Man I Messed Up. Well, I Guess I Got To Lead Her Around The School.

You - (Goes In The Bathroom)

Prod - (Lays On The Bed) Dammit

You - Prod.. Are You Sure?

Prod - No

You - What.. Who Is It Then

Prod - It's You Yn

You - M-Me?

Prod - (Nods)

I Just Told Her Straight Up. Good Job Craig. I Just Can't Tell Her My Real Name. It's Very Private. You Know Half Of The People That Are My Friends Don't Even Know What My Real Name Is. People Have Been Making Fun Of Me If I Tell Them My Real Name.


Omg. He L-Likes Me?! Ahh. Some Crazy Shiet. Im Happy He Likes Me, But I Wanna Know Why Did He Lie. Was He Nervous? Was He Scared? Did He Not Want To Tell Me? Well, I'm Glad He Told Me. I Just Don't Know If He's Telling The Truth. But I Have To Hang With Him The Whole Day Tomorrow So. Yeah.

You - Wow. Umm.. That's Sweet I like You.

Prod - Forreal?

You - Mhm.

Prod - Oh Cool

You - (Nods)

Prod - (Takes Off His Shirt And Gets Under The Bed) Ight.. Goodnight

You  - (Lays Next To Him) Goodnight.

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