Chapter 29

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The next day before all four of them leave for their journey, they went to have a talk with Qingheng Jun and Lan Xichen.

"Are all four of you ready to go?" Qingheng Jun asked while looking at all four of the boys in front of him. The four nodded their head.

"A-Die, what about Shifu?" Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun just smile, "You just leave Shifu to me and A-Die. He can't control your life beside it is your choice to do thing you like. Wangji is your life, do what you like, go where ever you like, A-Die and I will tell Shifu where you are."

"Just one thing," Lan Zhan looked at his dad, "I want you four to come back here to visit every now and then. This place is after all your home and we are your family," when Qingheng Jun said this, he looked at Wei Wuxian who is surprise.

"Wuxian, Wei Yuan, don't forget this is your home, okay?" The two Wei brother nodded their head.

"We will walk you four to the front gate," Wei Wuxian, Wei Ying, Lan Zhan Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun all left his room to walk to the front gate of Gusu.

Once they are at the front gate Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan turn around to look at Qingheng Jun and Lan Xichen, "Xichen ge, Qingheng Jun, Thank you for everything and for accepting us into your home," Wei Wuxian gave Qingheng Jun and Lan Xichen a bow.

"No need for that A-Yuan, this place will always be your home, A-Die and I are very happy that we meet you and your didi." Lan Xichen smiled at Wei Wuxian.

"Xiong zhang, we need to go now." Lan Wangji looked at Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun.

"Have a safe travel you four. And remember if you have time, make sure to write home and come back for a visit, okay?" Qingheng Jun looked at all four of the boy in front of him.

"Yes, Qingheng Jun."

"Yes, A-Die."

"We will go now," all four gave a bow to Qingheng Jun and Lan Xichen, then the four left from there.

Once they are at the dock, they decide to take the boat to a place that have horse. "Da Ge, where should we go from here? Wei Ying asked.

Wei Wuxian looked at Wei Ying, "Wherever our life take us."

"Mn." Wei Ying nodded with a smile on his face.

Even though Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji didn't get the life they wanted in the future, they got another chance when they have ended back in the past. They were able to change the past, they were able to save the life of the people that died in the future.

Right now, this is the life that they wanted, a life away from the cultivation world, and a life where they can travel to different places with their past life.

Wei Wuxian look at the front, he turn to look at Lan Wangji, "I'm glad that you are here, Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji turn to look back at Wei Wuxian, "I am as well."

"We are together so long as we remember each other" - Bu Wang - Lan Wangji

The end

Thank you everyone for reading, comment and vote on this story. I am sooooooo happy that everyone like this story so much.
I am sorry if the ending is short, I don't know what else to write for the ending so this is all I can write down.

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