A Ghost and Melon have Wholesome Fun

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Genger and Melony have been recently spending some time. They got along rather nicely with their main thing in common for the fact that they both love to sleep almost anywhere possible. Whenever they aren't sleeping, Genger was just lousing around somewhere while watching over Melony, as if he were a Babysitter.

They were in the castle as they were on the floor together and sleeping together. They've been sleeping for what was nearly hours as people who came by them, left them a few things. You came by and gave both of them some pillows, Meggy walked by while Whistling and put a Big Blanket over them, Tari walked by and left a Teddy Bear as she puts it into Genger's Arms as he held it, and even Mario left a Plate of Spaghetti for Genger.

Both of them later woke up as they quickly noticed all the stuff that they were given and the blanket they shared

Melony: "Where did all of this stuff come from?"

Genger: "I guess, The guys kinda gave it to us while we were napping...huh, Even Mario left his spaghetti here but I'm not eating that"

Melony: "..."

Genger: "..."

Melony: "Wanna go do something?"

Genger: "Sure why not. What do you wanna do?"

Melony: "I don't know"

Genger: "Hmm, What do you normally like to do?"

Melony: "Oh! I do love watching Two-Piece! Have you ever heard of it?"

Genger: "Two-Piece? That kinda sounds like some type of Toilet Wine that Bob showed me how to make. It's weirdly pretty good stuff"

Melony: "Uhh...No. It's an Anime that someone named Axol"

Genger: "Who's Axol?"

Melony: "Oh! He's the one that made Two Piece and He was one of the greatest Anime artists ever! We...we were gonna be a couple"

Genger: "A couple? Like dating? Then why don't you give and see him then?"

Melony: "I can't.....He's Dead"

Genger: "Oh. That's too bad, I kinda thought he'd be a pretty cool dude if he was hanging around with you. You are pretty cool and hot"

Melony: "But I'm not hot, I feel perfectly fine"

Genger: "Eh Never-mind. Anyway, What were you saying about Two-Piece?"

Melody: "Yeah! It's really good! Come on, You should watch it with me!"

Genger: "Eh, I got nothing better to do in my miserable existence so sure why not"

Melony takes Genger to the TV in the castle as she turns it on and puts on Two-Piece. Genger takes a look at it and he was surprisingly feeling happy about it, He thought that it was pretty good

Genger: "So, Apple-Chan goes after Watermelon-Kun? This seems like some pretty quality stuff! This is good

Melony: "I know, right? Axol made a good thing out of this. He did kinda made me mad when he committed a "Melony Felony" but I forgave him"

Genger: "Not sure what that means but I'm glad you had someone like him who made something this good. But I guess maybe any guy would've been jealous of their girl were to see someone as good looking as Watermelon-Kun"

Genger: "So, what else do you like to do?"

Melony: "Hmm, I do like playing with these Lil' Chonks while listening to Y/N's Music"

Genger: "Wait, Y/N makes their music now?"

Melony: "Yeah! Ever since they saw that I and Meggy went to college to pursue our goals, They decided to go to Omnia College to do the same, They wanted to take it upon the Music Industry, and their good at it"

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