Switching Bodies

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Many of the other versions of you and your friends had returned their way toward their universes and returned home. The only two who decided to stay were Super Mario and Desti from the Parallel Universe since Super Mario still needed help with his world and the Desti wanted to explore more of the world that's connected to her own.

Now, You were playing Uno with Genger, Meggy, Desti, and Mario while also trying to destroy a friendship. Genger and Mario were mostly winning despite the that they don't know how to play.

Mario: Woah! Mario is winning, Beatches!!

Genger: Yeah, this game is very easy

Y/N: God dammit! You guys don't even know how to play this game! How am I losing!?

Mario: That sounds like something a salty baby would say

Meggy: How do you even play Uno with a Blue-Eyes White Dragon! 😡

Desti: Haha, Pick up 4 cards go brrrrr

You and Meggy both fits of rage quit as both of you had become finished with the game and Mario flipped both of you off and laughed at you

Desti: Calm down Lovebirds, It's only a game. Why do you have to be mad?

Y/N: Whatever, This game sucks. But it's the only game that we have and I'm tired of watching Tv since there's nothing good to watch

Meggy: Not to mention that nobody even watch TV anymore when they have streaming services

Desti: Well, what should we do? We can fight together

Genger: I'm not in much of a Fighting Mood, Plus it'd be an unfair advantage for me if I joined. I think you know why

Melony and Tari then came in as the both of them were screaming in fear and panicking

Y/N: Guys! What's wrong? What happened?

Melony [Tari]: Guys, Help us! We switched bodies!

Meggy: Switched bodies? So, does that mean that...

Desti: That's what I'm guessing. They swapped bodies with each other but how did that happen?

Melony [Tari]: We we're playing Uno together but then when we started setting down the Reverse Cards, It must've switched our bodies!

Genger: Uno? We were just playing that game about a minute ago

Mario: And I won, Bitches!!

Y/N: We only left out the Reverse Cards to make the game easier, especially for these two

Tari [Melony]: I didn't know cards could do things like this either

Genger: They aren't supposed to. Maybe it's just something else

Meggy: Then let's just try and figure it out for ourselves to be sure

Melony [Tari]: No! Don't!

You and the others pick up some Uno Reverse cards and soon the cards began shaking and glowing

Y/N: What the fu-

Soon, A large explosion erupted and causing you and the others to be sent flying and hitting the walls. Once it had disappeared, Everyone tried to get back up but held themselves in pain and feeling.....Different

Meggy: Ah. What happened? Why did they do that?

Desti: Geez, that hurts....wait, something doesn't seem right. I feel weird.

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