Guess who's back! [[NON-CHAPTER]]

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Bet you weren't expecting this, were you? Yup, I'm finally back after what felt like a Retirement and now I'm coming back with some more of SMG4 Content.

I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience that I might have left on some of you that still recognized some of my older work but I wanted to make this as to tell you all that I've decided to finally come back once more.

I've been debating on whether or not I wanted to return to making Fics again but I've decided to give it another shot and hopefully this time can be better and that I won't go missing or ghosting y'all. I really want to be able to get back into my old swing again and hope that you all will be able to enjoy!!

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Court Judge: Alright, Court is now in session. Bring the Criminal forward.

A group of police officers were dragging Y/N as they were strapped into a Straight Jacket and cuffed with a Muzzle over their mouth. They were brought up to the front of the Judge and the Trial began.

Court Judge: Y/N, you are stand trial for your multiple crimes against the Mushroom Kingdom and Humanity. The many lives that were taken, today have been caused by your reckless and merciless actions. For your senseless and genocidal massacres, I hereby sentence to death by-

Before the Judge could finish his sentence, A giant hand came crashing through the ceiling and grabbed Y/N's entire body before they were dragged all the way into space, where a massive entity had held them in their hand.

Y/N: W-What the hell?! What's going on!

Author: Y/N, Guess what?

Y/N: Who in the fresh hell are you!

Author: It has been so long since this series was left in the dirt and I thought that I was going to end it without giving it the proper ending that it never came. Well, unfortunately I decided to do the next bast thing that some content creators do...MILK THE ABSOLUTE HELL OUTTA THIS SHIT!!

Y/N: I on acid?

Author: I did say in the past that I would be leaving this series to continue on with further content, but had decided to "Slightly" go back on my word and continue with the series that I love and so do are Thousands of Fans!

Y/N: Fans? What Fans?

Author: Exactly! So, I say that in order to reel the Fans who loved our Fanfiction, We should let them give US ideas for what we should do! Who knows? Maybe we'll continue an Arc that we will NEVER talk about, ever again!

Y/N:....can I please just go home?

Author: Okay! It's time for you to get back to your slave wo- I mean, Unpaid Job! Off you go!

I then throw Y/N so hard at the earth that it exploded.

I then throw Y/N so hard at the earth that it exploded

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