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     Thomas was sat in her chair, a warm cup of coffee this time underneath the large tent they had set up. She had curled up and soon she felt a blanket wrap over her shoulders. She looked back to see who it was and it was Kit.

"Hi." She smiled up at him and he came around to stand in front of her. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her before bringing the hot cup of coffee to her lips to drink it, and tugging her mask down to do so.

"You're drinking hot coffee?" He asked, absolutely puzzled at the fact that even though it was freezing out, she still would normally drink iced coffee and shiver to the point her teeth were chattering.

"Yeah. I think im getting a cold." She shrugged and he could tell something was off about her. She sounded like her sinuses were stuffed up and her cheeks were quite rosy but that could've been from the whipping cold winds.

She took another sip before she looked back up to Kit. "Everything alright?" She asked, leaning her head down against the blanket on her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I was just going to ask if you wanted to come to mine tonight, and we could play some minecraft. You're welcome to stay the night too." He offered, his shoulders slouching a bit from being nervous.

She tried to hold back the smile but couldn't. "No. I would hate that. I hate minecraft yknow. Worst game ever." She fake gagged and that's when Kit started chuckling with a nose scrunch in there and Thomas could physically feel her heart melting in her chest.

"Yes ill come over. I just have to grab some stuff from home first." She responded seriously this time and Kit nodded. "Okay, we can stop by on the way home." He walked up and gently placed a soft kiss on the top of her head before mumbling a bye and heading back to his chair where he had to finish getting his makeup done.

Her heart ached for his presence again, and the warmth that constantly radiated off of him. The subtle touches, the nicknames, the constant communication. She longed for him, and couldn't help it.

They had finished filming for the day and Thomas was curled up in the car on the way back to her house to grab her stuff. She wasn't very talkative due to the fact her throat was starting to get sore and she was just generally exhausted.

Once they arrived Thomas hurried out of the car and up to her flat where she grabbed a bag and starting packing it with her pyjamas, clothes for the next day, chargers, toothbrush, hair brush, all the necessities and then zipped it back up, flicked off all the lights and closed and locked the front door before heading back down to Kit.

She crawled back into the car, putting her bag in the backseat and putting her seatbelt on and looking at Kit who was scrolling through his phone.

She realized that her seat was warm and she glanced to the dash to see that he turned on her seat warmer. "You okay?" She asked softly before he locked his phone and tossed it in the cup holders.

"Yep. Just seeing some of the final photos for a few photo shoots i did a couple weeks ago." Kit smiled a bit, looking to her and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Im excited to see them. I bet you did amazing." She shifted and curled up in the seat, her feet tucked up to herself. She didn't feel the need to tell Kit that she had a lot of his magazines shoots saved in her phone and that her and Joe were gushing over some of them. 

"I think they're alright."

The two chatted more this time on the way back to Kit's place. Once they got there, Kit led the way until they got to the door where Thomas was rubbing the top of her head gently   Her cold had progressed pretty rapidly and she wasn't feeling the greatest at all.

marry me? ('。• ᵕ •。') ♡ Kit ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now