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thomasridgewoods instagram story

thomasridgewoods instagram story

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     Thomas was laying on the couch flipping through netflix. Her and Kit had been stuck in his flat for the past three days and it was only the beginning.

Kit had gotten covid as well and wasn't really feeling sick. Just a bit of a stuffy nose. Thomas was still feeling pretty crappy and she was constantly on and off napping.

Today, she was just bored. Kit was taking a shower so she didn't have much to do other then lay on his couch. Sebastian was bringing clothes over from Thomas' flat for her today and she was excited to also be able to shower and get into some her own comfy clothes. Not that she didn't mind being engulfed in Kit's hoodies and sweats, she just wanted the comfort of some clean familiar clothes.

Her phone started ringing on the coffee table and she reached for it and saw Sebastian facetiming her. She picked it up and smiled at him.

"Hi! How're you feeling?" He asked quickly with a smile. She could tell he was in her flat by the decor behind him.

"Im okay. Im really bored. Kits taking forever in the shower." Thomas droned on half rolling off the couch to sit on the floor and prop her phone up on the table.

"Boo. Go kick the door down." Bash joked and a laugh erupted from Thomas' dry and scratchy throat. She was still stuffed up and everything.

"I would rather not." Thomas laughed and Bash also did before he putting his phone up on Thomas' dresser in her room.

"Okay, what do you want me to bring you?" He asked looking at her closet and drawers.

"Basically like 12 pairs of underwear and socks since im here for the next week and a bit." She started and Sebastian opened the top drawer of her dresser rand started pulling out her pairs of under and tossing them on the bed. He didn't linger on them at all and then moved slightly to the right to grab socks.

"And like you can create some outfits for me. Just make sure to pack jammies and some just casual clothes. Can you also bring my shampoo and conditioner?" Thomas exclaimed and soon Kit came out of the bathroom in just a pair of grey shorts, and black shirt. His hair was still wet and Thomas looked up from her phone.

She looked him up to his face and he had a cheeky grin on his face before Sebastian caught her attention again and she shook her head to clear her thoughts and focused back on Sebastian as Kit came and went into the kitchen behind her.

The two chatted for a bit before Sebastian hung up on her to drive to Kits place. She stood up and walked around into the kitchen where he had started washing up the dishes.

Thomas grabbed a dish towel off the stove handle and began to dry them as he rinsed them and placed them in the rack. "You don't have to help." He spoke softly as he put another cup in the sink.

"I do. Im basically living here for the next two weeks so I should contribute." She bumped into his hip a bit and he sent her a smile as he then focused back on the dishes. He put music on and they continued to clean while singing before they finished, Why did it have to be me? came on from mamma mia 2.

Kit had sung the male parts and grabbed the dish towel out of Thomas' hand and when the female part came on she sung it until the chorus where Kit grabbed her and they started doing the iconic dance from it and Thomas threw her head back in laughter as her heart swelled from fact that she finally got to do this.

The two continued dancing and until Thomas' phone started ringing again. She picked it up nf it was Sebastian.

"You're stuff is there. Im down the hallway so you should be safe."

Thomas quickly hung up and walked to the door and opened it and stepped out and grabbed the bag of her clothes. She also noticed an iced coffee and a tea beside it. She looked up and sebastian was waving at her.

"i miss you!" He shouted at her.

"I miss you! Thank you for the coffee! Kit, bash brought you a tea!" Thomas yelled before ducking her head back in before Kit came out and poked his head out to give him a wave and Sebastian blew him a kiss and he grabbed it in the air before taking the tea from Thomas' hand and then grabbed her by the arm and she waved bye to Sebastian as he tugged her back into the house.

She pouted as she went and sat her stuff down on the kitchen counter and Kit tilted his head at her. "I miss him. I miss our friends. This is the longest i've gone without seeing them for the past few months."

Kit nodded as his brows furrowed because he didn't like seeing her so sad. He watched as her eyes welled with tears and he sat his tea down before coming up and wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.

marry me? ('。• ᵕ •。') ♡ Kit ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now