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2nd pov
You skated onto the ice as hundreds of adoring fans called your name.
Then, like clockwork, the music started. You had really been working on the mysterious side of the song. Victor recommend trying to think about how you sneak around him about your love life. Not exactly a great idea, but it was a start.
You landed the first jump perfectly. The announcer made a comment about how clean it was. The next jump was too. And for a moment, you just forgot about making it perfect and decided to have fun. After the mysterious part, ended you broke into a smile. The rest of your piece fell into you place. It went amazing in your opinion. As you finished the dance, you skated off the ice and waited in the booth to hear your score. They always have a seat for the coach, but you looked pathetic as you sat there alone, or you did until you heard your score.
You were shocked. You hadn't scored a hundred since your prime. You smiled, everyone would be thrilled to know of your score.
Victor's pov
As I watched Yurio skate, it was like his agape had changed. It had more love to it, it felt lighter than a feather. I think I knew who his agape was for. It was a shame she could come and watch it.
2nd pov
You were about to head to the Men's side when a group of fans stopped you.
You signed autographs and took pictures with people until the crowd dissipated. Quickly you walked over to meet Yurio, but another group stopped you. Several asked questions you couldn't quite make out, but one you were able to hear.
"What does your theme this season mean?" an interviewer with blond hair asked.
"Well as you might know, my theme this year is journey. With a new coach, I've been able to to try new things. I really think "Into the Arctic" is about going on an adventure. I would definitely say going to all these amazing countries again has been an amazing adventure!" you answered.
Another interviewer questioned you," What about 'Falling Slowly'?"
You thought for a moment.
"Falling Slowly' is about falling in love.Growing up, I never had done that before. So I think exploring something so new to me could also be considered a journey." you replied. You answered a few more questions before continuing your quest to find the men.
        You saw the back of his blond head as he talked to Yakov. You decided to surprise him as you grabbed him into a hug from behind. He jumped a little, but smiled when he looked to see it was you. Your hand dangled over his shoulders in the hug and he grabbed them.
"Hey Yakov!" you smiled.
"How'd you do?" you questioned Yurio.
He grinned," 118.56 , I'm currently in first. You?"
"I'm in first place too, 102.26." you answered. Some how Yuri and Victor managed to show up behind you.
"Wow great job Y/n!" they complemented. That night you and Yurio snuck out into the pool after hours.
Your head rested on Yurio's shoulder as the two of you talked.
"What do we do after the Grand Prix?" he questioned. You thought for a little while, it never struck your mind what would happen after.
"I think it depends what Victor does. If he continues to be my coach, I'm stay with him, but maybe I can join you in Russia." you explained.
"I don't want you to go." Yurio combed through you hair.
"I couldn't be away from you for an hour, how am I going to stand months?" you joined in.
"Let's get some rest before tomorrow." you advised. The two of you moved back to the hotel room and snuggled up against each other until sleep came.
You dreamt of coming in last place. Even though you were in the lead now, that could change. What if you repeated what happened during "Tsunami's of love"?
     Just then you awoke to Yurio tapping you.
"Are you ok?" Yurio whispered. You noticed how tightly you were squeezing him.
     He wiped a tear away that had formed in the corner of you eye.
"Yeah, sorry. Just a bad dream." you explained. You couldn't tell what time it was, but light wasn't coming out of the window. You guessed it was around 3am.
"About what?" he questioned.
"Have you ever seen that YouTube video of my last free skate I performed before moving to Japan?" you asked.
"No, what about it?" he questioned. You grabbed for your phone which was on the side table.
        You still remembered the name of the video.
                          Y/n L/n's dethroning
You hated how true it was.
As the video played, showing your fall, you continued," I don't want this to happen again."
Yurio was quiet for awhile, trying to think of something to say.
"The song is about us right?" he tested.
"Mhm." you answered.
"I'll be watching you from behind the barrier. Just remember that I'm there." he responded.
"Ok." you gripped his hand as the two of you fell asleep once again.
The next morning you rose and do not spend any time next to Yurio. As he slept, you packed your bag because you'd be leaving shortly after you competed.
       Then you took a shower. It apparently woke up Yurio as he walked into the bathroom to greet you.
Except the shower walls were glass. You quickly tried to cover anything you could with your hands, but it was too late. Yurio was smirking.
"Don't walk into the bathroom while I'm showering!" you yelled.
"Sorry princess." he had adopted the name that Victor used for you. Although he apologized, he only walked closer to the glass.
"You look hot." he praised your body before walking out of the bathroom.
      As you walked out of the shower, you dried off and changed into underwear. You dried you hair and then walked out of the bathroom to get your costume.
   It laid on the bed while Yurio was admiring it. He had already changed into his costume. The pink and red streaks that ran through it always caught your eye.
"You look good in pink." he remarked as you slipped on the pink dress.
     You showed him your back with the zipper still open.
       He zippered it for you and you grabbed your white skates next to your suitcase.
"Let's go!" you announced, but not before the two of you pulled on your matching hoodies.
      You met the whole ice skating gang down in the lobby. You recognized most of the men skaters. Phichit was there, so you made sure to say hi.
He smiled when he noticed Yurio and you were matching.
      Most of the men skaters were catching onto ya'lls relationship and they highly approved. They'd cheer every time you guys held hands and would "accidentally" bump you guys closer together.
     The public had many suspicions about the two of you. There were even some articles about it, but nothing was official to them yet.
"Here." Yurio handed you a plate full of eggs and bacon.
The two of you joined Victor and Yuri at their table.
"Ok my little princess, the competitions are only and hour apart. We might have to stay late for Yuri when he wins gold, so you might have to start a warm up alone. We'll hurry and make it back to watch you perform though!" Victor informed. Yurio seemed a little angry about the gold part, but you grabbed his hand as a way to get him to calm down.
       You took small bites of egg as the four of you talked. Even though you weren't perfect in regards to eating, you had gained a couple pounds. You were starting to get better. Yurio didn't scold you like Victor when you didn't finish the entire plate. He knew that you were trying and that was all that mattered to him.
           After breakfast you walked with Yurio to the building next door. Yakov managed to drag Yurio away from you though, so you join Victor and Yuri.
        Yuri, like always, was a nervous reck.
"You'll do fine!" you tried to reassure him.
"Thanks Y/n." he sighed. As they ran through warms ups, his nerves only seemed to get worse, but Victor being there seemed to help a bit.
You were interested in watching several of the men compete like Chris and Phichit, but you were too caught up with the nerves of your own competition. Despite Yurio's comfort, you were still nervous what could happen. Victor noticed your nerves and decided to bring you into another room to talk.
"What's wrong my little princess?" he wondered.
You looked down," What if it happens again?"
"What if what happens?" he pulled you into a hug.
"What if it goes wrong. What if I fall?" you questioned.
"Considering the name of your song is "Falling Slowly" I think it will fit the piece quite well!" he joked.
You didn't seem amused.
"But if you fall, just get back up again. There's nothing more to it." he replied more seriously this time.
You wanted to continue the conversation, but just then the announcer said that Yuri would be up.
"Better go make sure he's ok." Victor slid out of the room, leaving you alone. You trailed after Victor and made you way to watch.
Yuri was already on the ice when you took your seat. Then you heard Yuri's music start to play. You had heard it so many times during practice, but each time it seemed a little different.
As you watched Yuri perform what you though was his best performance of the season, you could see how much he loved this skate. It was the first time he had ever picked a song and actually used it. As the song stopped, so did Yuri. Flower flew down to him from the audience.
He picked up a few before skating toward the two of you. He grabbed you both in a tight hug.
"You did amazing!" you congratulated him. Just then Yurio appeared in front of you. You could tell he was kinda jealous that you were hugging Yuri.
The hug broke away and you excused yourself to talk with Yurio.
"Do good ok?" you spoke to him.
"Do you think I won't?"Yurio questioned.
"No, just trying to motivate you." you explained. He didn't bicker and instead skated onto the the ice.
You watched in amazement as he skated. Each skater bring a new feeling to the ice. His was more of an ice cold feeling while Yuri's was a budding flower. They seemed so different, but you loved both.
His moves were on point, but you notice a glare and frown on his face. Only when he made brief eye contact with you did he remember to lighten up.
He only picked up a single flower amongst the several bouquets which was thrown on the ice after he finished.
He skated towards you and handed you the dark red rose.
The audience hollered at the site.
You grabbed the rose from him.
"Thank you." you pulled him into a hug and you didn't move until everyone's score was announced. They started from the bottom and moved up in the places. Phichit ended up in 6th, but he still seemed very happy to be there. You prayed that Yuri and Yurio's name wouldn't be too far down as they announced 5th and 4th place. The arrogant JJ guy won 3rd place. Now it was just down to your friend and boyfriend.
You really didn't care who won, they were both so important to you.
"And in second place with a score of 319.41, we have Yuri Katsuki!" a different announcer spoke. You clapped for you friend as he smiled. Then it clicked, Yurio hadn't been called yet.
You met his wide eyes.
"With a score of 319.53, Yuri Plisetsky wins first place!" you heard though the intercom.
You couldn't help but to tackle your boyfriend.
"Good job!" you cheered.
Soon after they were brought onto a podium. You took a quick picture and then looked at the time.
You needed to get moving.
Quickly you signaled to Yuri, Yurio, and Victor that you would be leaving.
Up next was you turn.

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