I literally just wanted to write about Gingerbrave and Dark Cacao

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His heart pounded. He could hear the blood rushing in his ears, and he could barely breath. This was a horrible time to be feeling like this, he had things to do, people to help.
And yet, the feeling to break down and cry never left. But he couldn't. He couldn't cry. He couldn't get it out.
He slid down the wall, holding himself in his arms. The Brave cookies breath shook, as did his entire body.

Then there was another problem- the footsteps echoing through the halls. He didn't need anyone to see him like this; and yet they were going to, whoever this cookie was.
The door swung open, and he stood up faster than he should've been able to, grateful he hadn't broken down and sobbed. He was tense, standing straight up and still with both arms clenched to either side.
Dark Cacaos serious demeanor faded, replaced with a soft look of concern.
"Ah...excuse me, Gingerbrave." He said awkwardly. Gingerbrave laughed nervously; the odd feeling hung heavy in the air, and it bothered the ancient. He felt as though he had barged in at the correct time.
"...you haven't seen Pure Vanilla, have you?" Dark Cacao frowned, shifting his attention to what he'd originally entered the room for.
"No. He might be with Hollyberry, though!" Gingerbrave grinned, ignoring the way his voice had cracked as he spoke. Dark Cacao looked him up and down, noticing the boy's hands shook, even if folded upon his hips.
"Are you alright, child?"

Gingerbrave's smiled dropped. Confusion and anxiety clouded his gaze as he let his arms fall.
"..what do you mean..?"
"Are you alright?" Dark Cacao pressed. He took a step forwards, placing his hands on the boys shoulders. He lowered himself, resting a knee on the ground and bending the other.
"..I..." Gingerbrave's voice lowered to a whisper. He refused to admit weakness, but it seemed like he didn't have much of a choice.

He sucked a shaky breath in, scrunching his face up. Slowly, he reached forwards, before throwing himself forwards and embracing the ancient cookie. His breathing quickened, letting the tears flow. Dark Cacao Cookie was taken aback as he wrapped his arms around the boy. He lowered his right leg, sitting on his knees as the child collapsed into him.
"I just- I'm just trying to help everyone- and I.." He buried his face into the kings shoulder, grateful he didn't have his armor on.

"It...it will be alright, child.."

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