Chapter 1

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It was Monday and Feng xin entered their bustling room, walking straight to his seat.

"Good morning Feng xin!" Xie lian greeted from infront him.


"How's your head?" He asked.

"It's hurting like hell. I drank too much yesterday." Feng xin spat.

Xie lian chuckled and nodded as agreement. "You did."

With their party last night being their topic, Feng xin remembered something.

"Ah right. Who took me home last night?" He asked. Xie lian blinked, saying: "It's Mu qing. Don't you remember?"

"Oh. I don't. I can't remember a single thing after I chugged that fucking beer." Feng xin shrugged. Xie lian bursted out laughing and wiped the tear seeping from the side of his eye before turning to him again.

"Feng xin, that's where the fun part began! How could you forget?" Xie lian pouted.


"Don't you remember us playing truth or dare?" Xie lian asked which Feng xin responded by shaking his head.

"Pfft. We did. You got dared by the way."

"What? What was the dare?" Feng xin curiously asked.

Xie lian suppressed a laugh before telling him; " It was Pei ming who gave you the dare so I suppose you can guess what kind of dare you got. He told you to pick someone in the club, aside from our class, to trade drinks with and do a love shot." Xie lian snickered.

"No one would agree to do such a thing so surely I didn't complete the dare." Feng xin stated but Xie lian just smiled at him.

"...Did I?" He then warily asked.

Xie lian laughed and nodded. "You did! Feng xin, that's a bar! What do you expect?"

"Urgh. Remind me not to get drunk again." Feng xin grumbled and Xie lian just chuckled replying with a playful 'will do.' before turning upfront.

Feng xin assumed a napping position, his face facing sideways as he observed the fleeting clouds.

"So it's Mu qing who took me home huh?" He mumbled.


Feng xin got out of his bedroom after getting ready for school while lightly slapping his aching head.

"Ugh do I have so-"


"Huh..?" Feng xin turned around hearing the familiar voice just to see a little girl running towards him from the guest room and instantly hugged his waist tight.

"...A-lin?" Feng xin asked and scrambled closer, kneeling infront of the child and held her shoulder. "You— you're here? Wait. How are you here?"

This was Feng xins younger sister. And also his only sibling. Feng Meilin.

"Dad dropped me off last night."

"Last night? But I got home really late."

"Dad said to just stay put and wait for you hehe. So I did. I fell asleep though, sorry." Meilin smiled. Feng xins grip on her shoulder slightly tightened as he clicked his tongue.

Feng xin doesn't have a good relationship with his father. And their mother already passed away. Leaving them under their fathers care who's always unnecessarily spending all their money either on gambling or drinking.

Feng xin ran away from home at a very young age and promised himself to get his younger sister when he could finally support them both. But by the time he went back to his old home, they weren't there anymore. That's how he lost contact with his sister.

Now it seems like his father found out where his address was and finally decided to abandon his sister. Well that's great. Saves Feng xin from work. He's rather grateful that the man didn't shamelessly demand him off of money, using his cheap 'father' title.

Feng xin sighed and patted his sisters head. "A-lin. Did you miss me?" He softly asked.

"Mhm! Very much! Where did you go Xin-gege, you left me." Meilin responds with a smiling face yet a sad tone. Seeing how she masked her emotions, Feng xin couldn't help but resent his Dad further.

"Your gege left to prepare a better life for you. A-lin, do you want to live with Xin-gege? Here, I'll cook you aaaaall the delicious meals I learned." Feng xin smiled.

Meilin giggled and nodded. "Okay!"

"Hm. But now your gege is graduating so I can't afford to skip classes. So while I'm gone, I'll ask Mrs. Su from next door to take care of you okay? Don't worry, she's a great person. She occasionally brings me food." Feng xin says as he stood up.

Meiling nodded but then tugged the hem of his shirt. "But Xin-gege, who was that pretty gege last night?"

"...  Pretty gege?"

"Yeah! You see you see, I woke up last night when I heard voices. But when I got out, I only saw a pretty gege looking back at you before leaving the house. He's so pretty! Like, goddess level of beauty! When I grow up, I wanna look just like him!" Meilin described, her eyes shining.

"... He?"

"Yup! Pretty gege brought you home! Who is he? Can I meet him?" Meilin continuously asked excitedly.

Clueless, Feng xin forced out a smile; "I'll tell you when I come back okay?"

"Eh? Why not now?" Meilin pouted.

"Uh... Because I'd have to ask pretty gege if it's okay to expose his identity. He's a little sensitive with these things you know? Do you want to make him uncomfortable?" Feng xin asked. With that, Meilin aggressively shook her head.

"Okay. Then I'll go, and when I come home later, I'll tell you that pretty gege's name." Feng xin softly said.


"Pretty gege pfft— She's right alright." Feng xin mumbled, still looking outside their classroom window.


"Okay class settle down. Let's start with todays lecture."

The Sober Man's Dilemma •Fengqing•Tian Guan Ci Fu•Where stories live. Discover now