Chapter 3

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"Xie lian let's sit over there." Feng xin whispered, pointing a table where he spotted Mu qing eating by his lonesome.


They walked over the crowded table, only two seats available. Coincidentally, infront of Mu qing.

When they sat down, Mu qing didn't show a least bit interest with whoever occupied the seats infront of him and just continued eating. His eyes glued on his food.

"Oh, hi Mu qing!" Xie lian greeted making Mu qing look up to him and nodded. But when his eyes caught Feng xin, he immediately tensed and suddenly stood up.


"Enjoy your meal." He only said, cutting Feng xin off and walked away with his tray in hand.

"That was weird. Did something happen between you two?" Xie lian asked.

"...I don't know. I have no memories of last night." Feng xin muttered, his eyes still following Mu qing.

"Eh... Something must've happened. Even though he's not really close with anyone, he didn't avoid people either. He just simply...didn't care. So why is he avoiding you?" Xie lian wondered out loud.

Feng xin kept silent because he also didn't know the answer. He's just curious as he is. Maybe much more curious.

Xie lian just shrugged it off and ate whilst Feng xin mindlessly twirled his utensils. Playing with his food.

Moments later, the bell rang indicating that lunch is over and the two went back to their room after putting their tray on the pile of plates.

"Xie lian you go on ahead I'll stop by the restroom." Feng xin waved.

"Okay then hurry up. Professor Li will arrive soon." Xie lian says and continued walking. Feng xin turned to another corner where the restrooms are located.

Thinking of Mu qing, he racked his mind trying to remember what happened last night. Mu qing took him home. He doesn't even remember that fact. And now Mu qing is avoiding him. Why?

Feng xin sighed as he scratched the back of his head and prompted to open the door of the men's restroom when the door slid open, revealing a man.

"Mu qing." Feng xin blurted out.

Mu qing was taken aback as he uncomfortably shifted his gaze, looking anywhere BUT Feng xin.

"Move." He only said.

Feng xin thought of this as an opportunity and didn't budge from his place.

"Mu qing. Uh, Xie lian told me you took me home last night. Sorry, it seems like I troubled you." Feng xin attempted. But Mu qings expression turned grim.

"...move." Mu qing mumbled. Feng xin saw him clench his fist and thought that something really must've happened.

"Mu qing, did something happe-" His words got cut off when Mu qing finally faced him, meeting his eyes. But his expression showed an emotion Feng xin couldn't discern. Was it scorn?

"You forgot." Mu qing started, his voice little. "That's not my problem." He mumbled, barely reaching Feng xins ears as he broke their eye contact and pushed Feng xin out of the way. Walking out the restroom.

"Mu qing! Look, whatever happened last night I'm sorry. I was drunk and wasn't on my right mind so I'm not surprised if I made some kind of mistake. What happened last night, whatever dumb shit you put up with, I truly regret it alright? I'm sorry." Feng xin rambled as he got close to Mu qing who's back is facing him.

He gently placed his hand on Mu qings shoulder and slowly turned him around so he could talk to him face to face.

"I apologize, so ple-" His eyes widened and he was frozen in place when he saw Mu qing's face. A tear escape his eye.

He's crying?

Mu qing is crying?

Feng xin felt complicated and he unknowingly cupped Mu qings face to wipe the tears streaming down his face with his thumb.

"Mu qing why are you crying? I-" He stumbled back when Mu qing pushed him with all his might.

Mu qing, with tears still seeping from his eyes, looked at him with scorn and hurt mixed. "Fuck you Feng xin." He spat and ran away.

Feng xin, still shocked with the sight of him crying, took a moment to process what just happened. And when it all registered in his mind, he immediately blinked and ran to their room, bursting the door open.


"Well, well, well, here's Mr. Feng xin." Feng xin flinched and turned to the front just to see their terror professor looking at him with his brows raised.


"Detention later. Sit down." Professor Li immediately said and turned to the board again.

"Feng xin!" Xie lian shouted with a hushed voice. "What are you doing? Sit!" Xie lian prompted, pointing to his desk.

"Ah, right." Feng xin startled and went to his desk. And as he sat down he glanced at Mu qings direction. But the only thing he saw was his desk. Mu qing nowhere to be found.

The Sober Man's Dilemma •Fengqing•Tian Guan Ci Fu•Where stories live. Discover now