Chapter 4

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It's already the last period before class ends and Feng xin impatiently sighs while looking at the door from time to time.

The door slammed open and came in was their lively PE teacher, a smile plastered on her face. Following her was Mu qing. Who spared him not as much as a glance and went straight to his seat. On the contrary, Feng xin didn't peel his gaze away from Mu qing until the teacher started talking.

"Okay class. Since your graduation is just a month away, we're all pretty much done for the semester. And for the last activity of the school year under my subject, I'll assign you all by pairs." Their teacher clapped.

She took out her class logbook and started calling out names.

"Mr. Shi is with Mr. He."

"Yay! He xiong!"

"Mr. Xie is with Mr. Hua."

"Yieeeeeeee!" Their class shrieked. Almost all of their classmates ship them both. Xie lian and Hua cheng. And Hua cheng certainly didn't even attempt to hide his grin.

"Okay okay settle down." Their teacher chuckled.

"Okay next, Mr. Pei is with Ms. Ling wen."

"YES!" Pei ming exclaimed.

"Just a reminder Mr. Pei, this is Physical Education. You'll be performing." Their teacher informed and Pei mings face immediately darkened.

"I'm doomed." He mumbled, making the whole class laugh.

"What are you trying to say?" Ling wen asked.

"You dont dance!" Pei ming bluntly says.

"Hmph. Piece of cake." Ling wen rebutted flipping her hair, making the whole class laugh again.

"Eh,,, okay I guess I'll manage you." Pei ming chuckled.

Their teacher called out multiple names before Feng xin was mentioned.

"Okay last but not least, Feng xin with Mu qing."

Feng xin instantly turned his head to look at Mu qing just to see him looking at their teacher with a complicated expression. Mu qing pursed his lip and bowed his head, looking at his clenched fist.

"Awe, I wanted to be paired up with Mu qing." A girl commented. Feng xin looked at her. Throughout the school year, only she could be seen having caught up in a conversation with Mu qing. Though only at times.

"Why?" Her seatmate asked.

"I suppose you wouldn't know since he stopped for some reason, but back then when we're still in middle school, he often represents our class whenever there's a singing competition."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yeah. Ofcourse, we always won."

"That's cool. Feng xin's part of the dance club. While Mu qing sings. What a power group."

"Xie lian and Hua cheng won't lose to them though."

"However Pei ming and Ling wen's would be a sight to behold." They snickered.

"Hey I heard that!" Pei ming scolded.

And the class laughed again. Their teacher just listened to them and laughed with the class before lightly tapping her logbook on the table.

"Okay. Now, in this last activity, I want you and your pair to think of a performance. It doesn't matter if you want to sing, dance, or sing and dance, it doesn't matter. You could even act if you want to. I just want you to showcase your talents. We will be performing in the campus auditorium 2 weeks from now. Students, friends and family alike can attend. At the same day, the class next door who's also under my wing will be performing as well. So it will be a talent showcase." Their PE teacher announced. "Other teachers will be there as well. This will be a big event so do your best class! Got it?!"


"Good. I wont be coming in until the day of the performance. So you can use my time to your liking."

The Sober Man's Dilemma •Fengqing•Tian Guan Ci Fu•Where stories live. Discover now