Chapter 5

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When the teacher left, they started making their way to their partners. But Feng xin stayed still, eyeing Mu qing. But the other kept unmoving, just fiddling with his fingers like he doesn't really want to approach Feng xin.

Feng xin sighed and stood up. He was hesitant but still went close and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Uhm... Mu qing." He started but Mu qing stood up. And still not looking at him, he says: "Lets talk about the performance tomorrow."

"Mhm. Okay. Let's do that." Feng xin acknowledged after a while and stepped back. Allowing Mu qing to get out of his seat. And he did.

Feng xin just spectated as Mu qing picked his bag and walked out the room, avoiding his gaze.

Feng xin sighs. He probably did something really terrible for it to affect Mu qing that much.

[Next day]

Feng xin frowned, disturbed by the vibration of his phone.

Irritated, he reached for it on his bedside table and without even looking at the caller id, angrily answered the call.



Feng xin clicked his tongue when no response came when suddenly he heard someone clear their throat on the other line.

<Sorry.> Was all he heard before the call dropped.

Hearing the voice, Feng xin sprung awake and immediately looked at his phone.

Recent calls

Mu qing - 829 *** ****

FUCK. Feng xin thought. He immediately dialed the number back. It took 5 rings for the other line to pick up and Feng xin immediately talked.

"Hey, uh, sorry I didn't mean to shout at you earlier I was just..." Feng xin panicked.

<Sorry for waking you. I didn't expect you weren't very much of a morning person. You can go back to sleep.> Mu qings frosty voice sounded from the phone.

"No no no wait. I'm awake now... Why did you call?"Feng xin asked. This was the first time Mu qing initiated so Feng xin got a little excited.

<About the performance. There's no class today and tomorrow because the district held a sudden meeting. Our adviser informed the class group chat. So I was wondering if we'd plan while there's no class or just talk at school the day after tomorrow.> Right. No matter how Mu qing despises him, he still valued his grades. And he can't get a high mark if he won't cooperate with Feng xin.

"Today!" Feng xin immediately exclaimed. Realizing he sounded too excited, he cleared his throat. "I mean, today's good. Are you free?"


"But can we plan here in my place? My younger sister is here you see..." Feng xin embarrassingly suggested and he suddenly heard a loud thud from the other line followed by a grunt.

"Mu qing? Are you okay?"

<Uh. Yeah. You...have a younger sister?>


<She lives with you..?>

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

<N-nothing. I'll be there then... What time's good?>

"Just come whenever."

<Okay. I'll get ready now.>

"Mhm." Feng xin hummed and the call got dropped.

The Sober Man's Dilemma •Fengqing•Tian Guan Ci Fu•Where stories live. Discover now