Chapter 2

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"Okay. Let's end it here. See you all tomorrow, you may have your lunch." Their professor says before exiting the room.

"I wonder whats on the menu today." Xie lian wondered.

"I hope it's not like last weeks meal. That tasted terrible."

"It's not THAT bad okay?" Xie lian defended.

"Yeah. Compared to your cooking."

"Hey!" Xie lian pouted while Feng xin just barked a laugh.

Feng xin stood up and turned to the door when unexpectedly his eyes met another.

He saw how Mu qing lightly flinched before turning away and exited the classroom leaving Feng xin confused.


"Feng xin? What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. Let's go." Feng xin sighed and started walking out the room with Xie lian, making up his mind to talk to Mu qing later.

Now that he thought of it it's almost the end of the school year. And it's been months when he decided to bury his little feelings for Mu qing.

You might ask how the hell he fell inlove when they rarely even interact. Well, let's just say that Feng xin is quick to fall in love that even a little words of concern hooked him. Not to mention how ethereal that concerned face looks.

[3 months before the start of the school year]

"What do you mean they're not here anymore?" Feng xin asked.

"They're not here! I kicked them out is that what you want to hear, brat? Now get the fuck outta here!" The old woman spat.

Feng xin suppressed the urge to cuss and took a deep breath. "Please tell me why you kicked them out. When did they leave? Or if you know, where did they go?" Feng xin with all his might, patiently asked.

"It's not this old lady's fault that asshole ain't payin'! And it was a long time ago so why you barkin' at me now?! And why the hell would I care where they ran off to? LEAVE LEAVE SHOO!" The old lady swished the broom on her hand, prompting Feng xin to leave. Feng xin couldn't do anything anymore and just begrudgingly went out the run down apartment.

Outside the run down establishment, he took a deep breath, looking up the clear sky and squatted down. Hiding his face on his knees.

Now he doesn't know where his asshole of a father took his sister. Great. Just fucking great.

Feng xin stayed like that for a couple of minutes before he felt someone tap his shoulder. He raised his head to look just to see a handsome... No beautiful. Beautiful is a much more suited word to describe this man. He raised his head to look just to see a beautiful man.

"Hey... You're blocking the way." He emotionlessly pointed out, not letting Feng xin save face.

Embarrassed, Feng xin stood up and awkwardly shifted towards the side. "Right. Sorry."

The man just nodded and went past him. But after a moment, he stopped on his tracks and walked back. Stopping infront of Feng xin.

Feng xin gave him a questioning look which made the man awkwardly scratch the side of his cheek.

"Uh... I.. dont know what happened to you or whatever but... Hang in there...i guess." He stuttered. Feng xin stared at him with amusement and having got no response, heat rushed up his head and he added: "Dont block the way next time!" And he rushed inside the apartment. His face tainted by red due to his embarrassment.

The Sober Man's Dilemma •Fengqing•Tian Guan Ci Fu•Where stories live. Discover now