Chapter 13 : Lightning and Earth

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Normal P. O. V

Both Chooki and Toxsa are currently riding their bikes home. After Beni explained what happened on Quorton, they were relieved that she handled it well.

Toxsa: Now another chain has been released.

Chooki: According to Gen, there were 5 chains in total. With Gen and Beni releasing two of them, we have three more to go.

Toxsa: But, how exactly do they do that?.

Chooki: It's like unlocking Titan Mode. We need some sort of trigger or a large amount of power. All we need to do is train harder.

Toxsa: You're right.

~Time Skip ~

Chooki: I have to go home now. We'll find a way to help him tomorrow. See you tomorrow, Toxsa.

Toxsa: Okay, Bye.

After they arrived at Turtle Diner, both of the knights parted ways and went on with their nights.

However, just as always, neither of the knights can have a nice sleep......

~ In The Dream ~

"Ugh, it feels like my head just hit a truck.... "

"Me too... "

"Oh, it's just you Chooki..."

" WAIT-WHAT?!!!. "

Both of the knights were shocked to see each other again. They were in a dark room, which made it even weirder.

Toxsa: Where are we?.

Chooki: Dunno. Wait, look!.

As they were talking their room shifted and they were shown an image. It seems to be in an elementary school. Kids were talking about some group project.

Toxsa: What's this have to do with us?.

Chooki: Let's just see it.

"Okay kids, I'll let your groups decide on who to be the team leader for the race tomorrow. "

"Let's pick Guren to be our leader!."

Chooki and Toxsa were surprised to hear Guren's name. They failed to realize that Guren was sitting in the back seat. Currently stuttering with all the demands.

Chooki: Is this his old school?.

Toxsa: I guess.

"I-I don't think I'm good enough for that..."

"Come on, you'll do great!!."

"Come on Guren!!."


The rest of the kids were begging Guren to be the leader because nobody else wants to do it. Reluctantly, Guren agreed.

The room shifted again to when the race was happening. It was a tag team race and it was going well until it was the last round. The leaders of the team were the last to run. And of course, that also counts Guren.

Once his teammate patted his hand Guren run. As fast as he could. He wasn't the most athletic. Yet he tried his best. However, despite his best efforts, another kid reached the finish line first. Making him the second.

Toxsa: Wow, I didn't know Guren was that fast.

Chooki: Yeah, me neither.

The two knights were proud of Guren's achievement. But, when the room shifted again, they were shocked.

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