Chapter 16 : Broken Bonds

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Normal P. O. V

Everyone was just silent. All that work, for nothing. They were so close to getting their friend back, only for him to be taken back by Villius.

Even Mr. White couldn't lift the mood. All was quiet until they heard a loud sound.


Beni came up to Ceylan and slapped him on the face. He was surprised and wanted to fight back until he saw Beni's face. She was mad and holding back her tears.


Ceylan: "I.... I'm...sorry....I didn't know..".


Chooki: "Beni, calm down. He didn't know that would happen.".

Beni took a deep breath. Yeah, she was getting overboard. Looking at Ceylan's face, it was clear he was already shocked by what happened. Still, with an angered face she backed away from him.

However, Gen went up to Ceylan and tapped his shoulder.

Gen: "Look. I don't know what happened with you two back there. But as Guren's closest friend, we thought it would natural for you to be the one who saved him. Turns out, we were wrong. How about you take a little timeout to think about your true bond with Guren? We'll be waiting...".

With that, Gen went out the door. Chooki, Toxsa, and Beni just silently followed. Leaving Ceylan devastated. He could only put his hand on his forehead, regretting his action.

"It was me, I was dumb....... "

~Time Skip~

In his bed, Ceylan looked at his Core Brick blankly. What was wrong with him? Was he the closest to Guren? If he is, then why did that happen?

He couldn't think of anything else. But because of the exhaustion from the day he eventually from his sleep.

However, the answer that he was seeking, might be in his dream the whole time......

~In Ceylan's Dream~

Ceylan opened his eyes to see the same scenery as last time. His old elementary school. And his old friend. Ceylan quickly covered his ears as he heard the argument between them.

But then, Ceylan noticed something. This dream was more vivid than the last time. When he looked carefully, his old friend finally came into view. Ceylan was completely in shock.

Red hair in the front, black hair at the back, and purple eyes. It was Guren. That's right, Ceylan's childhood best friend was the friend he was trying to save now.

As Ceylan realized that, he reached out his hand to apologize to Guren. But everything just went dark. Opening his eyes again, Ceylan saw Guren was surrounded by some dark red flames. Ceylan tried to get closer, but he was stopped by a voice. Guren's voice.

"I'm so worthless....".

"I'm such a weakling....".

"People would just be better off without me!!!.".

"I should just disappear!."

As Guren said that, a tear dropped from his face and the fire spread. It was circling Ceylan. But this flame wasn't burning him. It was different. It's as if even the flame was sad. As if it was telling him something. Taking a last look at his friend, Ceylan finally understand.

He understands his mistakes...

~In Reality~

Ceylan woke up with quite a shock. With those flames, he finally understood. He was looking at this all wrong.

Well, not now...

Ceylan: *sad smirk* "Dude, you could've just said that to my face.".

As if on cue, Ceylan's Core Brick began to glow. And he didn't waste any time going to Mr. White's shop.

"Hang in there buddy. I'll fix this mess!.".

-In the Shop-

When he showed up in the portal room, everyone just stared at him. Ceylan knows that the others are still mad at him, so he just looked down. But Gen went up to confront him.

Gen: "So, have you realized your mistake.".

Ceylan: "Yeah, I was dumb. I'm sorry for causing you all trouble. I promise I'll bring him back this time!.".

Although hesitant, Gen was surprised at Ceylan's determination. So much so, he sighed and decided to give him another chance. Even every else agrees.

Mr. White: "If you all now settled your tension, that means you can continue your mission. Plus, we now have someone to help us.".

Toxsa: "Someone?. Who?. ".

Their questions were answered as a familiar Guardian appeared in front of them. It was Boreus.

Chooki: "Guardian Boreus, you're going to help us?. ".

Boreus: "With Bravenwolf under Vilnius's control and the Tenkai Wolf being captured, it has upset the balance between the two worlds. So we, the Guardians have figured out a faster way to help you rescue your friend.".

Ceylan: "Really?!. How?!. ".

Boreus faced the portal and reached his robot hands out. Then a huge red circle formed around the portal.

Gen: "What's that?!. ".

"To save your friend, you must face your fears, and heal his soul directly!!.".

{Author's Note}

I have nothing to say. I got lazy at everything. But realizing how long I've been on hiatus gave me the motivation to write again. Besides, I have a surprise for Chapter 17 that I can't wait to post!. Stay tuned for that.

Sorry for my lazy upload schedule, but I hope you guys will continue to support me and this fanfic of mine.


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