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Chapter XIII

Atlas did not come home last night after our fight. I lost my cool, but I did not appreciate being talked to like that. Especially when I did nothing wrong. Maybe something important happened that he needed to take care of immediately? That still did not give him the right to treat me poorly.

"Have you talked to Helix?" I asked Celeste, pulling on a t-shirt to finish my simple summer look of today. It was fairly hot, so I decided to dress in a white graphic t-shirt and some light blue jeaned shorts. I still have not figured out what shoes I wanted to wear, but I was more focused on getting my hair straightened before he showed back up.

Celeste groaned out a "no," like I had just woken her up. She had been in a shitty mood since we came into the house last night, so I just left her alone.

I had just finished my hair when the front door opened and closed downstairs. I was ready to confront him all night, but now that he was home, I was not so sure on how to go about it.

"Everly?" Artemis's voice carried up the stairs and into my room.

Thank you, Moon Goddess.

I walked out of my room and saw her head sticking out at the end of the stairs. "Morning, Sister."

I just shook my head and made my way down the stairs to greet her. "Morning."

She gave me a quick hug and smiled while pulling away. "So guess who's credit card and car keys I stole?"

"Um.." I pretended to think, putting my index finger on my lips before pointing at her with my answer. "Demi Lovato's?"

"Bitch, I wish." She laughed and patted my shoulder. "Your Mate's. So, you can either stay and be a good little mate, or come join the dark side." As she laid down her offers, she put some files on the entry table by the door.

"After the night I had? Take me away." I said with a smile. "Let me grab some shoes and my purse."

"I will meet you outside." She twirled the car keys on her finger and walked out the door.

Within ten minutes we were in an all blacked out Jeep, driving out of the territory. This had to be his personal vehicle by just the way it smelled exactly like him and the few jackets laying in the back seat.

The drive was maybe thirty minutes to get in front of a huge mall with humans walking in and out. As we made our way to the doors, it seemed like everyone was having a staring contest with their eyes glued on us.

Werewolves are the most dominant species on Earth. Humans do know about us and the other species. We are the only one that can coincide with humans due to the fact we don't want their blood or them for sacrifices.

Every store we stopped at, Artemis filled her arms in clothes for the both of us. I protested because I was supposed to be just a tagalong, but she would not take "no" for an answer. Atlas will not like she is just buying and buying, especially how we left without a word.

"Artemis, he is going to kill us." I said, walking alongside her. Both of our arms were holding a ton of bags.

"He will be fine, plus he deserves his money to be spent after how he talked to you last night." She nudged me and turned into a restaurant. The sign was neon red, and the logo was a burger and a beer bottle.

"You heard that?" I asked, following her to a booth setting my bags on the inside and sat down across from her. "I know I shouldn't have called him a name. I was just so mad."

"Everly." she reached across the table, patting my hand. "I would have called him much worse things than asshat if I was you."

"Hi, I am Wilson. I will be your server this afternoon. Is there anything I could get you, or do you need more time?" A boy that was around my age said, flipping through his notepad. He was clearly human, but he seemed nice.

I pulled open the menu and began my search until Artemis ordered for us both. "Two burger baskets and four shots of Silver Bourbon?"

"Yes ma'am. I will be right back with those shots. If you could hand me the menus?" We held over the menus. 'Thank you. I will be right back over." He then left us to ourselves.

I blinked at her with confusion. "Silver Bourbon?" I questioned her.

"It is whiskey for wolves. We have a higher tolerance, so we have a special type of alcohol. How do you not know this?"

"I have never drank, so I never needed the knowledge." I said as he walked over with four shots, placing them in front of us, then turning around, leaving again.

"That is so changing today." She downed her first one with ease and made a funny face after. "Well, if you want to, I am not forcing you into anything."

I sucked on my bottom lip, staring at the brown liquid placed in small glasses on the table. Celeste did say to live a little. I picked up the shot without trying to think about it and threw it back. The warm substance slid down my throat, igniting it on fire. I lost control of my face after it was gone and shivered. "That was disgusting!"

Artemis was nearly out of her seat, laughing. "That was so funny! I wish I could have recorded your face!"

"Ha ha ha." I mocked her and scooted her last shot towards her. "Go on, Miss "I drink like a snake.'"

Soon enough, we were on an endless loop of taking shots and giggles.

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