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Chapter XXX

Atlas was sound asleep right after his shower. Even with my human ears, I could hear him snoring from downstairs. I guess he was not lying about that aspect.

Artemis, Ellie, and Josh are all crowded around the living room floor with me. Before they got here, I spent an hour in my bathroom straightening my curly hair. Atlas would probably comment on it later but at the moment I just wanted to be presentable for them.

Once I saw the girls, we all had a good cry.

Artemis was immediately apologizing and made sure I knew she saved my life so I couldn't be mad at her for the rest of it.

I told her that I was never mad at her and that just made her cry more because I am "an angel sent down from the Moon Goddess with how much patience I have for the Lycurgus siblings." That made me laugh.

Poor Ellie was just clinging to me like a koala and hovering like a mother hen. She was worse than Atlas.

Josh just sat on the ground and pouted. He begged me for Willow to come along, but I said no out of respect for Artemis.

"We should do something tonight," Artemis said, throwing the tv remote in the air and catching it.

All of our eyes went to her. Ellie looked intrigued, Josh looked excited, and I know my face held confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Josh rolled his eyes at my question. "Don't mind her, she has never enjoyed nightlife before."

"Really? Never?" Ellie was the next one to judge me on my inexperience. To be honest, I thought she was in the same boat as I but it seems I was wrong.

"Nope." I say, popping the "p". "I did not ever have time."

"Liar. I always used to ask you to go to the clubs with me but you were too scared of Mom and Dad." Josh rats me out, making my face grow hot.

"Well," Artemis interrupts me before I light into him. "That changes tonight. We all have been through a lot these last few months, I think we all should take the night off from our lives."

"I agree," Ellie backs Artemis up and their eyes fall on me.

I did not know what to say. I'd rather stay home and recreate what happened on this sofa with Atlas tonight. I couldn't say that to them.

Luckily I didn't have to say anything because Josh stood and cleared his throat. "Okay, I know you three have hard feelings for Willow,"

Artemis and Ellie both looked at him like he was crazy, as they had no idea that the blonde demon was his mate.

"I just really want you all to give her a chance. It would mean the world if my sister and my mate could get along. I know Everly won't try unless you," he looks at Artemis, "give her the go-ahead. Everly is extremely loyal like that."

The girls' eyes widened after he laid it all in front of them.

"She's your mate?!" Artemis stands along with him. "This is crazy! When did you find out?"

"The day after Everly beat her up," Josh mumbles at Artemis' outburst. None of us knew if it was good or bad.

"Invite her. Tell her to leave River at home. No one has time for that Bitch." Artemis says, shocking everyone in the room.

Ellie and I looked at each other trying to figure out if Artemis was planning something. We must have been caught because Artemis scoffed at us. "Chill you two. We are going to give your sister-in-law the benefit of the doubt. She just better understand that I'm your favorite."

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