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Chapter XL

Stay here? Lock the door? I love you?

He actually thinks that I am going to stay behind when he is giving me zero explanation on what's going on?

As he walks out the front door, I follow straight behind him.

"Everly, get inside." He growls while taking off his shirt. "I have to go."

"I'm coming, and I dare you to try to stop me," I bite back taking off my dress and shifting.

"Fuck!" He let out a frustrated rush of breath shifting next to me into Helix's beautiful form.

To everyone but me, Helix looks like a monster. He is when he wants to be but truly, he is a puppy with a nipped ear and scars.

"Keep your eyes and ears open. If you get hurt, I swear on every thing I love, I will not let you out if the house next time." Atlas says through mindlink before barreling into the woods behind our house.

Without hesitation, I willed Celeste forward and gave her control. If we were going into a fight she would do way better than I as this is her natural form. "Finally some action,"

Our paws stomped against the ground as we caught up to our mate. Yelps and yips, grew louder every passing inch and Celeste's fur bristled to its end.

We stopped at the end of the chaos to assess the situation. 5 rouges, 3 of us who were not down for the count. I recognized two scents: Declan, and Fin. Poor Fin was not one of us who were standing though.

A beaten Fin laid in the ground as a rouge made a move to end him but Celeste instantly shot to tackle the filthy thing. After tumbling on the ground for a moment, we both stood and began circling each other.

When he was ready to pounce, I had him right where I wanted him but, Atlas came from no where gripping his neck; breaking it.

"Are you serious?" Celeste and I bark at him. "I had him!"

Helix's wolf form grumbled and rubbed against our coat for a split second before going to handle two rouges that watched him with a challenging look in their eyes.

Declan was throwing one around like a rag doll, so that only left one more. The problem? He was no where in sight.

The feeling of your breath being knocked out of your lungs is one of the worst feelings in the world. Especially when you have recently died from drowning.

I can't breathe.

"Everly!" Atlas' voiced echoed in my head. It sounded far away as my cloudy eyes looked up to see the most clean rouge I have ever seen in my entire life.

It's jaws snapped in my face alerting Cel and I that I needed to get up. Now.

A gasp left our snout as we let in air. With the air, came a scent. A scent that was slightly familiar. A scent found at the camp of the hunter that shot my mate's leg with an arrow.

Just as it's jaws attempted to snap on my neck, a blur of brown soared over me taking the Hunter with him.


I quickly stand to see Atlas trying his damnist to finish off the two rouges that targeted him so he can get to me.

"I am fine. Atlas, the one that was on me is the Hunter!"

Hudson released snarls as he tried to pin the Hunter to the ground but this wolf was too skilled.

Celeste was happy to assist for the fact the pain in my back right leg. I went to move and hot pain made a whimper leave me.

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