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Chapter XVI

I had stayed in my room for the rest of the time Artemis was gone. I obviously would not be mad forever, but I was not allowing him to speak to me like that and think a lame excuse and a "sorry" would make me forget. Artemis was taking forever to get here, and I was starting to grow hungry when the clock strikes 8p.m.

The front door slammed closed, hopefully indicating Atlas had left. There was only one way to find out. I slid off my bed and tiptoed down the steps and, much to my pleasure, Atlas was nowhere to be seen. I grinned widely and skipped to the fridge. Swinging the door open, it met me with emptiness. "What the freak, man!" I hollered in frustration as Artemis walked in the house.

"Woah now, lower the claws!" She joked and held up a bag. "I have come prepared." 

I exhaled in delight, going towards her to help her carry in the food. "You are my favorite Lycurgus, I swear."

"Oh, I am so telling my Dad." she teased, resulting in me lightly smacking her arm after putting the bag of food on the marble island. "Atlas leave already?"

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p' and pulled out a water bottle from the bag and a bag of Cheetos. "Why does he go on runs every night? Is it a patrol thing?"

Artemis stiffened for a moment, but smiled, taking a seat on a stool. She plopped a cheeto in her mouth and patted the seat next to her. I jumped up onto the stool assigned by her and waited for the explanation.

"He says that he just likes night runs, but Dad and I know better. Our Mother was killed when he was eight. A vampire slipped through our warriors and came to our house. It was during the time the vamps were trying to take over and they were taking out the pack's lunas. I was, luckily, staying with Declan and his sister that night. Atlas was not so lucky. Ever since then, Atlas has not been the same. When he gained Helix, he was never able to grasp control over him." She paused and rolled up the bag up of Cheetos before continuing. "So nightly runs are purely for our safety. For checking for intruders and there is no telling how Atlas would be if Helix did not get let out every night. That wolf is a nightmare, but he is not a complete monster. He cares, he is just an animal, so sometimes he is really harsh."

Once she was done with her story, I sat there, stunned. I whimpered out a bit at the pain I could only imagine he felt at such a young age. I felt like a total asshole.

"That is because you are one." Celeste mumbled, clearly upset about what our Mate had been through. "Quit having a stick up your ass. Accept the apology."

"I will tomorrow. I want to talk to him without Artemis here." I tell her, returning my attention back to Artemis. "I am so sorry." I give her a side hug, trying not to get Cheeto dust on her.

She shook her head at me and pulled away with a smile. "It is okay. I barely remember any of it. I am just happy my Dad made it through the breaking of the mate bond when she passed."

When the mate bond severs, depending on how much the mates had bonded and the wolf's strength, the surviving mate can die. It was terrifying, but comforting at the same time.

"I am too. He is a really sweet guy." I agreed and licked the dust off my fingers.

"Is that what you are wearing tonight?" She asked me, now opening a can of Pringles.

I looked down at the outfit I had worn all day. "It is either this or that romper I got today." I told her, frowning.

"Wait here." She laughed and walked out of the room.

There was no telling what she was up to, so I just continued on eating the junk food she had taken from the pack house.

Footsteps traveled from the second floor down to the first and out came Artemis through the doorway into the kitchen. "I got something for you." She had her hands behind her back.

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