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Chapter XLVIII

Helix quite literally scared the entire pack into their homes as he announced he was coming home and that no one should be out until he said so. I tried to sway him into not being so harsh but he didn't budge when it came to someone seeing me naked in his arms.

Once we made it back to the house he kicked open the door and headed straight to our room and into the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and pulled out a first aid kit.

Before I could ask him if he knew how to use it, he made a gasping noise and I was met by Atlas' hazel eyes.

"Everly?" He looked stunned as he backed away from me and took in our surroundings, "what happened? When did you wake up?"

He didn't remember a single thing.

I quickly got off the counter and grabbed his neck pulling him into my neck, "it's okay, everything is fine. We need to clean you up, we have a shaman to go meet."

Atlas shook his head in my hair when his grip on my arms became firm. Not enough to hurt but enough to become alarming, "who hurt you?" His voice was laced with something I couldn't pin.

"What? No one? I'll tell you what happened when you calm down." I say pulling away from him slightly and placing my hand on his chest.

When I look up at his face, he is staring behind me into the mirror. That's when I turn to see the new bruises developing from where I hit the ground.

"Everly, tell me." He demanded looking down at me with heat in his eyes.

"I woke up, your dad told me Helix took complete control over you. So I came to find you. It's really my fault, I knew better than to shift behind him especially with everything that has happened..."

I led off seeing if he understood what I was saying and by the way his face fell I knew that he had. "I'm so sorry. Goddess, I keep fucking up." He pulled away from me and walked to the counter to the first aid kit.

I already knew what he was doing so I jumped back up on the counter, like a good patient and swung my feet. "Don't be sorry, I could take you if you really hurt me." I tried to lighten him up with a smile.

It almost worked until he seen my leg that was still healing, "I-"

I quickly pushed my finger to his lips to shush him, "I did that myself. I realized that Helix did not recognize me so I did a little cut and bam, it worked."

Atlas didn't say anything but let out a grumble.

Once he was finished patching me up I pushed him into the shower, forcing him to get clean. And even though I told him it wasn't his fault, he made up for the whole situation, a few times until I could barely stand on my own.

• • •

"There you two are," Leo greets us as we walk into Declan's office hand in hand. Only Declan, Leo, the Shaman and Artemis occupy the room.

I can not help but to notice the old women eyeing Leo like she was ready to make him call her daddy.

Atlas seems to notice it too as he clears his throat to gain her attention, "Oh!" She says looking at the two of us, "why aren't you two a sight for sore eyes. Alpha Atlas Lycurgus, I am Shaman Endora. I was sent by Alpha King Legacy to awaken your mate, but it seems the Moon Goddess has more plans for me here as well."

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