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Chapter XXVIII

"How are you feeling?" Atlas asked me after the third episode of Grey's Anatomy ended. We had not left the couch since I had come out of the bathroom. He let me cry as much as I needed and silently held me while we binged our favorite show.

"I'm okay," I responded from his chest, not taking my eyes away from the credits.

Something about this whole ordeal connected Atlas and me deeper than before. I don't know if it was him feeling the bond tear apart or me dying, I didn't care. We knew exactly what each other was thinking before either one of us said anything. He could sense when my mind started drifting to that dark water again and he would direct me back to reality. I did the same to him when I felt his body tense and his leg start bouncing.

I knew we had a lot to speak about. What happened in his old bedroom, the fake Hunter and him choking me out, but it was nice to let all that go for a while.

"Are you getting hungry?" He shifted from under me and I just nodded as a response knowing it had to be passed 7 p.m. and I hadn't eaten all day. "Okay," He said and lightly moved me off of him and held his hand out once he stood.

I grabbed it immediately not wanting to be alone at the moment.

Atlas held sadness in his face still but tried to cover it by smiling.

I knew he was feeling pity for me, I just hated that it brought him down to my depths.

He led me downstairs and we decided on spaghetti for supper. It was quick and easy so Atlas would not have the chance to burn anything.

I sat on the stool admiring his back as he stirred the pot of noodles.

What I would give for that hoodie to be gone.

A smile brought its way to my lips as I thought how ridiculous it was that I was just crying my eyes out and now I am watching Atlas like a piece of meat.

"What has you all smiley over there?" He turned with the pot of noodles, draining them in the sink.

Being caught made a blush form on my cheeks.

"Just that I have an Alpha slaving in the kitchen for me," I lied miserably.

"Right, I will act like I believe that," He laughed and shook his head before walking back to the stove.

I rolled my eyes as he mixed in the sauce.

Once he was done with that he twisted around to see me twirling around on the stool with the hood up over my head. He then pulled his phone out of his pocket walking over to me. "Come here,"

I looked at him confused and got off the stool walking toward him.

A weird noise sounded in the kitchen from speakers that I didn't even know were there. "Dance with me?" Atlas pulled me close to his body by my hoodie and I giggled loudly with a nod of my head.

Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls filled the room as he gave me a soft kiss.

We started slow with the beat but as it picked up, we looked like idiots flying around the kitchen with laughs bouncing off the walls as he spun me around. The hoodie I was wearing covered my hands but somehow he managed to find them every time.

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