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Chapter XLIV

I haven't been the same since the dinner.

I had never lost control like I did then. The feral feeling pushed through me and I could feel nothing but pure bloodlust.

I didn't remember much after I blacked out but I was later told Atlas and Josh had to pin me to the ground until Esme was taken from the property.

Celeste has been restless since that night. She constantly tossed and turned in my head making me be alert throughout all hours of the day.

Atlas has barely talked to me. Hell, Declan has spoken to me more than he has. He was obviously pissed and stressed about the whole situation. He has been since he asked me if I started it and what happened. I told him the truth about me starting it but I decided it was best if I kept the details to myself.

Today is our best friends' wedding and I'm refusing to let anything or anyone ruin this day so here I am curling my hair while Atlas gets ready next to me.

"Esme told them she made a snide comment and your wolf took it as a challenge," he spoke all of the sudden after us doing our hair in silence.

Unlike me, he was already dressed as I assumed he wanted to be out of the house sooner than needed because he wanted to get away from me.

"If she said that, then I guess that's what happened," I stated after a few quiet moments before pulling out my makeup bag.

A loud slam caused me to jump and look at him. His hand rested on the marble counter from slamming it on it until he turned sharply towards me, "stop bullshitting me, Everly!" He raised his voice and came closer to me, "you lost control, and nearly killed her in front of everyone!"

"Yes, I know Atlas. I fucked up!" I yelled back feeling cornered by him as he continued to come closer. "I know I did, I've apologized over and over for starting it."

He laughed.

He actually laughed.

"Is that why you think I'm upset?" He shook his head in disbelief, "You are so far from being right, Everly."

"Then what is it?" I practically beg him to tell me as he comes to a stop toe to toe with me.

"You won't talk to me. You won't tell me what actually happened. I know something so petty as a challenge wouldn't make you completely black out. You don't sleep, and you are constantly on alert. What the fuck happened? Don't you dare lie to me." His eyes were wild as he pressed me.

If I was anyone else, I would be squirming under his hard gaze. Instead, it opened my wound from that night wide open, "She rubbed what she did to you in my face," my nose flared and my fists tightened in a ball, "I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes, I see her on top of you and I can't protect you if I'm sleeping!"

I held my breath as his face changed from angry to blank. I couldn't read him and he had all his walls up in his mind.

I didn't realize tears were gathering in my eyes until his face blurred in my vision. I tried my best to blink them away but it just cause some to stream down my face.

He took both of his thumbs to my cheeks swiping them away before speaking, "I love you so much, you know that right?"

I couldn't do anything but nod to his question.

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