Chapter 5: Fester's Feelings

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Debbie was sitting in a rocking chair, reading a story to Pubert.

"Everyone at the hall turned and stared at Cinderella... 'Who is that beautiful woman?' Everybody asked. Even Prince Charming noticed the new arrival. 'Who are you?' He asked Cinderella."

Fester peered through the slightly open door and listened to Debbie read. However, he accidentally nudged the door and it made a creaking noise. Debbie didn't turn around, but she had a feeling of who was behind her.

"'My name is Cinderella,' she said to the Prince." Debbie continued, as if she hadn't heard anything. "'Could you tell me, who is that man over by the punch bowl? That fascinating man, that oddly sensual man, that man who makes me quiver under my bodice...that bald man?'"

Fester gasped and rushed away, while Debbie had a smug smirk on her face.


Meanwhile, Lurch was holding a dartboard as Gomez threw darts at it.

"She's driving me wild!" Fester exclaimed as he burst through the door.

"Who?" Gomez asked, as he threw another dart.

"Debbie! Debbie, even the sound of her name, Debbie. Isn't is beautiful? She makes me think of vital chemicals." He confessed.

"Truly Fester, has it happened at long last?" Gomez asked with excitement.

"I don't know, I think so! All these years, I've watched you and Morticia...Through windows, doorways, keyholes, I've been so happy for you. But I have to confess, I've been jealous too! I've dreamed that sometime, maybe there might be someone for me?" Fester said.

"There's Thing." Gomez suggested.

"I know, I know. But I want more! Legs, elbows, a head."

"Two legs?" Gomez double checked, throwing another dart.

"Dare I ask Debbie to dinner? What if she says no? What if she says yes?! Oh, Gomez if I asked her would you come? You and Morticia?" Fester panicked.

"Of course!" Gomez reassured. He placed a hand on Fester's shoulder and threw a dart over his shoulder.

The dart landed in Lurch's mouth and he swallowed it.


Gary Granger blew his whistle. "Life saving!" He announced.

He was standing on the dock in between a group of boys and a group of girls. The boys were all wearing blue swim trunks, except for Wednesday, Pugsley, and Joel. Wednesday and Pugsley were wearing old looking black swimsuits, and Joel was wearing flippers and a scuba mask with a snorkel. And all the girls were wearing orange one piece suits, except for (Y/n) who was wearing a black one. Wednesday couldn't help but admire her bare legs and how well her swimsuit hugged her body.

"Now I know we're all top notch little swimmers...but now we get to show our stuff and earn those certificates!"

Everyone except for Joel, Pugsley, Wednesday, and (Y/n) clapped.

"Hey, how about our first little pair of life saving buddies? Amanda? Wednesday?"

Amanda and Wednesday walked towards each other.

"Is that you're bathing suit?" Amanda asked in disbelief.

"Is that your overbite?" He retorted.

"Now one of you will be the drowning victim, and the other gets to be our lifesaver!" Gary explained.

"I'll be the victim!" Amanda volunteered.

"All your life." Wednesday muttered.

"I'm going to be an actress." She bragged, ignoring Wednesday's comment.

"Brava!" Gary praised. "Now Amanda, jump in, swim out a few yards, and start drowning." Gary instructed.

Amanda jumped into the lake and started (badly) acting like she was drowning.

"Help me! Help me! I'm drowning! Help me! I'm dying!" She shouted dramatically before sinking under the water.

Gary looked at Wednesday expectantly. "I can't swim." Wednesday told him.

Gary sighed in disappointment as air bubbles rose up to the surface of the water.


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