Chapter 10: The Cast

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Gary and Becky were standing on a stage and the campers were sitting on the bleachers.

"Heads up campers! Jamboree's only two weeks away, and you know what that means!" Gary announced to the campers. "Clean cabins!"

"Creating with clay!"

"And canoes, canoes, canoes!"

"So we'd better get cracking huh!"

Meanwhile, Joel, Wednesday, (Y/n), and Pugsley were sitting underneath the bleachers, and Joel was opening up an envelope.

"Look at this! I got 'em! Schitzoes and Serial Killers. I gave almost the whole series. I'm only missing Jack the Ripper and that Zodiac guy. But look, the Black Widow."

He showed them a card that had Debbie's face on it.

"It might be Debbie." (Y/n) said.

"At least three rich husbands, all dead." Joel told them.

"I'll trade you." Pugsley offered.

"For what?"

He pulled out his own card. "Amy Fischer."


"Each year, we conclude our summer with a very special presentation. Book, music, and lyrics by..."

"Gary Granger!" Becky announced, before clapping. Amanda clapped too, but she was the only one.

"And this year, the old bean had come up with something pretty exciting." He bragged. "My own personal salute to the first Thanksgiving."

Amanda and another girl nervously held hands about the casting roles.

"Now, we have thought, long and hard about choosing just the right little actress for the leading role of Sarah Miller, our beautiful and kindly pilgrim lady. And, we have selected...Amanda Buckman!"

Amanda squealed in excitement and her friends clapped along for her.

"And in the roles of her Pilgrim Pals, Lily, Jennifer, Tiffany, Missy, Michelle and Melissa!"

All the girls that were sitting in the same row as Amanda started squealing and laughing in excitement.

Becky signaled them to be quite. "But if course, not everyone can be a star. Let's not forget, our cheery little Chippewas..."

Becky listed names of some of the kids sitting in a row that looked very out of place compared to the others.


A skinny boy with a neck brace and an arm sling.


A Chinese boy with large glasses.


A chubby girl that had multiple food stains on her shirt.

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