Chapter 8: The Wedding

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Back at the Addams residence, Morticia was introducing Debbie to the rest of the Addams family.

"Now Debbie, have you met everyone?" Morticia asked.

"Morticia!" A voice called.

"Margret!" Morticia greeted.

The two women kissed each other's cheek.

"Margret, this is our bride to be." Morticia introduced.

Margret shook her hand. "Welcome to our family! I can't tell you what it's meant to me, joining the Addams Clan! Have you met my husband? Cousin It?"

Debbie gave her a confused look. "Cousin It?"

"We've been so happy!" Margret gushed. "And just as little Pubert arrived, we were blessed with our own little bundle of joy."

Margret lifted the lid off of a coffin-shaped baby carriage to reveal a baby that looked like a miniature version of Cousin It.

Debbie looked at the baby with shock and Margret looked over at her. "What."

"Oh, I didn't say anything." Debbie quickly said.

"No, that's the baby's nickname. 'What,' from the obstetrician." She explained.

"It's he precious?" Morticia cooed.

"We've had offers."


In another part of the house, Gomez was throwing Fester a bachelor party with all the other male Addams.

"For he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!"

They sang, and after the song, they cheered for Fester.

"You guys are the best bunch of friends a fella could hope for. What a party!" Fester praised.

"And now...for the pièce de résistance!" Gomez gestured to Lurch who rolled a giant cake over to the middle of the room. "Ta-da!"

Everyone waited for a moment, but nothing happened.

"Ta-da!" Gomez shouted again. Still nothing.

Gomez walked over, and opened the top of the cake and looked inside, before turning solemn.

"That poor girl. Lurch, was she in there before you baked?" He asked.

Lurch looked down in guilt, and Gomez put the cake cover back on.

"C'est la vie!" Gomez announced in a carefree voice, and the whole room laughed.


Back at camp, Wednesday and (Y/n) had arranged to meet up with Joel in the infirmary.

"Where are you?" (Y/n) whispered.

"Over here!" Joel whispered back.

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