Chapter 15: The End

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Some Time Later...

Fester walked down the hall carrying a bunch of presents.

"A birthday party! What I treat!" He exclaimed happily. "And to think I might have missed all this. What was I thinking of?"

"Physical pleasure." Wednesday stated from his place on the stairs.

Pugsley was standing there with him and so was (Y/n). Wednesday had his arm around her shoulders and (Y/n) was holding a present for Pubert.

Fester groaned, happily.

"Uncle Fester, do you miss Debbie?" Pugsley asked.

"Sometimes. Late at night. I remember how she used to turned to me and say, 'Jesus Fester! Go back to your room!'" He then let out a wheezy laugh.

Wednesday rolled his eyes and (Y/n) giggled a little.

"Yoo-hoo!" Margret called, as she, It, and What entered the house. "Are we late?" She asked.

"Not at all! We're just getting started." Fester reassured.

"I hope no one minds, we brought along a guest. This is our new nanny..."

A tall woman with dark circles round her eyes and a creepy outfit and a hat entered the house.


Dementia removed to her hat to reveal her lack of hair.

Fester stared at her in awe. "Dementia. What a beautiful name." He purred.

"It means insanity." She told him.

"My name's Fester. It means 'to rot.'"


Gomez and Morticia clinked their glasses together.

"A toast! To the glorious mysteries of life. To all that binds a family as one. To mirth, to merriment. To manslaughter."

Everyone raised their glasses at that.

"To dear friends." Gomez gestured to It and Margret.

"To new friends." Gomez gestured to Fester and Dementia.

"To youth!" Gomez gestured to Wednesday, Joel, and (Y/n).

Joel was wearing a suit, no glasses, his hair was slicked back, and he had a mustache.

"How do I look?" He asked (Y/n).

"Disturbing." Wednesday answered for her.

Gomez turned to Morticia.

"To passion."

"To paradise." Morticia added.

"To pain."


Gomez and Morticia were about to lean in for a kiss, but we're interrupted by Grandmama bringing Pubert in.

"Make way for the birthday boy!" She announced.

Pugsley entered behind her rolling in a cake that had a guillotine on it.

"Thing, will you do the honors?" Gomez asked.

Thing grabbed a match and lit it, then he jumped up and lit the candle in the cake.

Lurch started playing the organ while wearing is party hat.


Outside, Wednesday and Joel were sitting on a stone bench in the graveyard.

"Your family is really...interesting." Joel commented. "You're parents are so involved with each other."

"Wednesday, so you think like, maybe someday you and (Y/n) are gonna get married and have kids?"

"Of course."

"You're not worried that (Y/n) might find another man and leave you?"


"But what if she met a man, who worshipped and adored her? Who'd do anything for her? Who's be her devoted slave? Then what would you do?" He asked.

"I'd pity him." Wednesday said coldly.

Technically, (Y/n) already had a man like that. However, that thought did cross his mind. He admitted it, sometimes he worried if (Y/n) might find a better man who'd try and take her away from him. But then he reasoned, that if that ever happened, he's just hunt him down and make him the regret the day he was ever born, and do everything in his power to make (Y/n) come back to him. He pitied the poor soul who dared to try and take his precious girlfriend away from him.

Joel nodded awkwardly.

"Uh, and thanks for forgiving me for being interested in (Y/n)."

"Of course..." Wednesday replied, with a creepy smile.

Joel glanced away and looked over at the gravestone that was for Debbie. It said:



He knelt down in front of the grave holding some flowers.

"Poor Debbie. She was sick." Joel said.

"She wasn't sick. She was sloppy." Wednesday stated.

"What do you mean?"

"If I wanted to kill someone, I'd do it. And I wouldn't get caught."

"How?" Joel asked.

"I'd scare them to death." He replied, standing up.

"No you wouldn't." Joel chuckled. "We're all very sorry Debbie. We wish you only the best."

Joel leaned forward to place the flowers on Debbie's grave, when a hand shot out of the grave and grabbed his wrist. Joel screamed in terror and Wednesday just stood behind him, smirking.


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