Chapter 7: Harmony Hut

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The door to the girls cabin swung open and Gary and Becky entered carrying mail.

"Mail call! Addams!" Gary placed a letter on (Y/n)'s bed where she was sitting with Wednesday and Pugsley, while Becky and Gary passed out the rest of the mail.

Wednesday eagerly opened the letter and read it. He suddenly stood from the bed. "Oh no."

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked.

"What is it?" Pugsley also asked.

"This is unspeakable." Wednesday said.

"Is something wrong Wednesday? Bad news?" Becky asked, noticing their distress.

"This is the worst thing that has ever happens in the history of human events." Wednesday turned to Pugsley and (Y/n). "Uncle Fester is getting married."

Pugsley and (Y/n)'s eyes widened.

"A wedding? But that's great news!" Gary exclaimed.

"To who?" Amanda asked.

"The Nanny." Wednesday answered.

"Get out of the cabin! I mean I'll kill myself! The help?" Amanda replied in disgust.

"I'm sure she's a very nice lady." Becky defended.

"I think that's disgusting. I think their whole family's like some weird medical experiment. I think they're like...circus people! And Wednesday probably brainwashed her into being with him!" Amanda pointed at (Y/n). "I mean, she's way too pretty to be with someone like him. I mean, not like, super model pretty, but not necessarily ugly."

"For your information, I chose to be with Wednesday voluntarily." (Y/n) countered, linking her arm with Wednesday's

"Than your just as much of a freak as the rest of them." Amanda sneered.

Wednesday was angry now. (Y/n) was definitely super model beautiful, more even. She was a Goddess. And she was not a freak. She was smart and kind and brave and talented. Any guy would be lucky to have her. But they won't get to have her. Wednesday glared at Amanda. Nobody insulted his precious girlfriend. Nobody.

"What did you say?" Pugsley asked menacingly.

"Don't ever talk about her like that again!"

Wednesday and Pugsley started advancing towards Amanda, but we're stopped by Becky and Gary.

"Campers!" Becky loudly clapped her hands. "Group hug!"

Everyone in the cabin except for Pugsley, Wednesday, and (Y/n) joined in. Wednesday and Pugsley backed away as if the other campers had the plague. Wednesday moved over to where (Y/n) was and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Gary left the group hug and walked over to the three kids. "Wednesday...Pugsley...(Y/n)...Will a hug hurt us?" He reasoned.

"We don't hug." Pugsley told him.

"I only hug (Y/n). No one else."

"I don't like big groups."

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