Chapter 11: The Rehearsal

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Back at camp, Becky and Gary were rehearsing a song and dance for the play.

"Happy, happy Turkey Day! Hunger pains will go away! When you hear the pilgrims say it's Happy Turkey Day!"

All the kids were following Becky's instructions, except for one girl who looked like she had no ideas where she was.

"Happy Happy Turkey Day! Let's all eat the Indian way! On Bastille and Cape Cod Bay on Happy Turkey Day!"

Becky suddenly gasped and walked over to Amanda who was wearing her pilgrim outfit.

"Look at you! Oh, Amanda, you look perfect! You're just the prettiest pilgrim I've ever seen! Gar, come and take a look at this!" Becky gushed.

"Here they are."

"We caught them by the pay phone."

A couple of campers approached the stage with Wednesday, (Y/n), Pugsley, and Joel in tow.

"We were calling the FBI." Wednesday said.

"It's an emergency!" (Y/n) urged.

"Their Uncle is in trouble, we were running a check." Joel defended.

"And you are late for your fittings!" Becky scolded, not listening to them.

"I don't want to be in a pageant." Wednesday revealed.

"Yeah, performing isn't really my thing." (Y/n) agreed.

"But we need you to be Pocahontas! And Joel is your betrothed, Running Bear!" Gary said.

Wednesday tensed up at this news, and so did Joel.

"Why can't Wednesday play my betrothed? He is my boyfriend." (Y/n) argued.

"Well, I thought Joel would be a more suitable love interest for you, I mean, you and Joel have more in common than you and Wednesday. But don't worry, he'll still be in the play as one of your Chippewa followers." Gary explained. "Don't you want to help me realize my vision?" He asked.

"Your work is puerile and under-dramatized. You lack any sense of structure, character, or the Aristotelian Unities. Ma précieuse (Y/n) is not going to be in a play that is underserving of her beauty and talent, especially if she is going to be playing a character in a relationship with someone other than me." Wednesday wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s waist and pulled her closer to him, as she tried to hide her blushing face from his kind words.

"Young man, I am getting just a tad tired of your attitude problem." Gary snapped.

"Everyone! Campers!" Becky clapped suddenly. "I have a wonderful idea! Wednesday, Pugsley, (Y/n) and young Mr. Glicker here, well, they have just never quite latched on to the Chippewa Spirit. Nor have some of their little comrades." She announced.

"Isn't that sad?"

"Yes!" The campers responded.

"Don't we just hate that?"

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