Beer Basketball ~ Logan

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The ball goes up and bounces in. Another basket for the other guys. My head is already swimming from all the alcohol.

Stephanie comes over with my cup. I look around her and spot Kaden sitting on the sidelines with Megan. He's fine. I take a swig from the plastic cup and hand it back.

"You're starting to suck it up," she says.

"Starting to? When did you start watching?"

She giggles. "Well, you're going against Brad and Paul, so it's no surprise. Actually, you're doing really good, considering." She winks at me.


I turn to see my teammate-god, what was his name? Matt? Tyson? Something like that. His hair is so blond it almost looks white.

"Dude, you okay?" he asks.

I snort. "I was really buzzing before we even started."

"I got this." He bumps elbows with me. "Give it to me. I'll sink a couple three-pointers and even out the playing field."

Three pointers when you're drinking? Yeah right.

I get the ball and do what Whitey said, passing around my defender before he gets into position to block. Whitey pulls an incredible ankle-breaker that leaves his defender staggering two feet away, and then he shoots the ball-swish. Holy crap. Nice!

"Told ya!" Whitey shouts over the deafening screams of the drunk onlookers.

"Chug chug chug!" the crowd cheers. Cheerleaders in skimpy skirts bring out the drinks, and the two guys chug their alcohol as fast as they can. I turn away and scan the sidelines again. Kaden isn't even watching me.

The other team gets the ball back. Brad-I think that's his name-dribbles between his legs. He is showing off, but he looks completely solid, so I don't blame him. He passes around me to his buddy, who also goes for a three-pointer. I stumble up to the hoop just in time for the ball to bounce off the rim. I rebound and dish to Whitey, who is wide open for another three pointer. He takes the shot-swish, again. Yes!

"Chug, chug, chug, chug!"

A cheerleader brings Brad a full cup. He knocks back the drink and takes the ball. He looks pissed now.

"Hey Brearson!" Whitey calls. "You know why they call it Beer Basketball?"

"Shut up, dickweed," Brad says under his breath.

I snort and hold my arms out to guard him. He fakes a shot and drives at the net. I totally see it coming, and I move to block him-he doesn't stop. Before I can plant my feet, he barrels into me.

I feel like I'm floating, caught in slow motion. Before my reflexes kick in, I hit the ground hard, and the lights go out.

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