Tipsy ~ Megan

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"So, tell me about it," Steph says as soon as we're through my bedroom door. I lead her through the dark to my closet, where I find some pajamas she can wear to bed. She undresses in the dark and pulls on the t-shirt and shorts. Then she slips into bed with a low creak and the soft rustle of bed sheets.

I can't believe Kaden has seizures. He looks so normal, it just doesn't make sense. Part of me wishes he'd had one, so that I would know what it's like, and I could talk about it instead of keep it a secret from my best friend.

I change and get into bed beside Steph. "It was . . . good."

"Good? Ooh, details!" She rolls over to face me, making the bed jump underneath us.

"Oh God, Steph, he is so hot." I turn and face her. In the dark, I make out the shape of her lying in bed next to me. "I melt into a puddle whenever he looks at me; it's terrible."

"You're right, he is hot. I'm jealous; you got the better looking one."

"Hun, I'd jump at Logan in a second. Don't be like that." I bite my lip. Why didn't I let Steph chase after Kaden like she wanted? Then I wouldn't have yet another secret to keep. Then I wouldn't have to worry about this. Oh my gosh, when did I become such a horrible person?! I'm absolutely awful.

"Yeah, he's hot too, huh?" She lets out a silly giggle, obviously still tipsy.

"How could you forget? You were all over him. How was it?"

"It was weird."


"Yeah, he was, like, all flirty at school, and then he almost kinda blew me off tonight. It was like he wasn't just playing hard to get, he actually was hard to get. You know?"

"Oh my gosh, a guy who actually isn't drooling at the sight of you. How did you take that?" I can't help but laugh.

"It was kinda fun to chase him. I got him to make out with me, did you see that?" This sleepy tone creeps into her voice, like a soft cracking, slow slurring babble. She's so cute when she's tired and tipsy. "So you never told me, what the heck was up with Kaden?" Steph shifts and inches her way close to me, making the bed squeak slightly. I can almost make out her facial features from the street light coming in through my curtains.

It's still a secret. Here goes. "He just felt bad I think."

"Felt bad?"

"Yeah, like, he moved on too fast, you know?"

"Oh." Steph sighs heavily. "Wow . . . So I guess you guys aren't together yet?"

I sigh. "And I guess you and Logan are?"

"Hmm . . . I like to call him Hastings."

"That's cute."

Steph mumbles her agreement and rolls to her stomach. I can just barely see the smile on her face, now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness.


"Yeah Steph?"

She doesn't answer me.

"Steph?" I say again.

"Next time no DD, 'kay?"

"No promises."

". . . Lame."

"Go to sleep, tipsy girl."

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