Finally ~ Lissa

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Bridget walks away from Kaden and goes over to a vending machine. I keep my eyes on Kaden, but he doesn't even glance in my direction. I guess he doesn't like me then? Why did Bridget tell him about me? Anything would be better than knowing that I'm doomed to unrequited love.

The air catches in my throat as Kaden sits right in the middle of the popular table. Why in the world would he sit there?!

My biggest crush in the whole world doesn't even have the heart to reject me to my face. He just blows me off, like some nobody, barely a blip on his radar. I never expected him to be such a jerk. He's just like the rest of the populars he's sitting with.

Bridget takes her seat and smiles at me, completely smug. "You can thank me later."

"What did you do?" I don't bother to hold down the threatening tones in my voice. I point my fork at her.

"I told him that you like him, and he said he might be game."

"Game?" That sounds like I'm a piece of meat, but I can't help swelling up with hope. He might actually like me back!

Bridget swivels around in her seat to look at Kaden. Completely obvious. "Oh, don't look now, but someone's checking you out."

I smack her shoulder, and she grins at me. Finally, I set my eyes on him. He looks right back at me-and waves.

Oh God oh God oh God! My face goes hot. I stare down at my food. He waved at me?! Is he trying to make me feel stupid, make a spectacle out of me? Or is he actually interested?

Kaden stands up and starts across the lunch room, right for us. "Oh my God, he's coming over," I say.

Bridget glances over her shoulder. "I knew it! Good luck hun, and for the love of all that's hot and sexy in the world, don't deny it, okay?" She pats my arm, stands, and walks away. My heart instantly drops into my shoes. I gaze down at my cheap-o lunch. Is this really happening?

Kaden approaches the table and leans over across the table. "This seat taken?"

All I can do is shake my head. He slides into Bridget's spot and gives me a nice smile. Dimples show on his cheeks.

"Your friend is right." Kaden hangs onto the table and leans backwards.

Right? Right about what?

He smiles at me again. ". . . You are really pretty."

If my heart wasn't killing me before, it's trying to beat me to death now. I can't get enough air to speak. What would I even say?

"You're in my history class." He leans forward and props his arm on the table, sets his chin on his hand. How am I this close to him? He's absolutely perfect, smooth, calm, and confident. High cheek bones, nice lips for a guy, slightly bushy eyebrows, small nose, thick black eyelashes. He smiles at me and raises his eyebrows. Cutest dimples!

"Uh, yeah, sixth period." Oh seriously? I finally open my mouth, and that's what comes out?

"How do I not know your name?" He gazes into my eyes like he can see my soul, completely shameless and sure of himself. I could die right now.

"Li-" I clear my throat. "Melissa Swanson."

"Melissa." Suddenly the name I've hated since I was ten years old sounds so incredibly cool, just because it came out of his mouth. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Finally? It almost sounds like he's liked me since freshman year.

Kaden's eyes shift to the tabletop. He's even cuter when he's not looking at me. An uncomfortable silence comes over us.

Say something, stupid!

"Can I ask you a question?"

Kaden nods with a smile.

"Why are you sitting with the populars?"

He sighs. "I don't wanna, but I think I gotta."

I wrinkle my forehead up. "Why?"

"I hafta make friends with all my teammates."


"I made the Varsity team," he explains when he realizes that I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Oh, wow! That's awesome!"

"Yeah. It's not so bad over there, you know. I think you'd fit right in."

Yeah right; they'd chase me out the first chance they get. "Oh please," I say, and then I bite my lip. Great, now he thinks I'm too stuck up for his friends.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your lunch. See you in history." He slides out of the chair and turns away.

What? No, don't go away already! "Kaden?"

He looks back at me, his eyebrows drawn up together. Oh, how in the world is he that cute?

"I'd like to come sit with you, but . . ." I glance around the Commons, looking for Bridget. "I can't-I won't ditch my friend."

Hesmiles his dimply smile and nods. "Then I guess she's coming too."

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